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One man can make a difference #NotMeUs #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #UBI #DefundThePolice #DefundThePentagon #OverturnCitizensUnited #TaxOligarchs #FreeAssange

Jul 6, 2021, 11 tweets

#M4All is a Policy that has been far long overdue. It first appeared on FDR's Second Bill Of Rights. It's not a pipe dream. It's a reality.

Everyone must #KnitTheRevolution with @WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All. Together, let's March all across the USA & fight for this Policy.

.@WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All are effectively fighting for #M4All in WA at the State level.

They have Ballot Initiative I 1362. Everyone throughout USA must get involved & follow. State By State can happen.

Single payer is the only solution.

30 M uninsured. 40 - 85 M under insured. There are horror stories each & every day with regard to current healthcare. Enough is enough!

Everyone must join @WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All.

Let's fight & demand #M4All because it is a human right Policy & not a talking point.

.@WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All are fighting for #M4All in WA. They received endorsements from:

@TheRagtagBand @justin4all2 @AazamiShervin @ShahidForChange @jimmy_dore @DLiamDorris @RaleighBowman @CallForCongress & many others.

They will receive more!

Libby, MT, got #M4All from Section 1881A of SS because they're exposed to hazardous airborne Asbestos.

Similarly, a sitting President alone can give this Policy to the entire country by signing it with the stroke of a pen because the entire population is exposed to COVID.

It's happening in 27 States & 36 Cities so far. It's on 7/24. See the link at bottom.

Everyone throughout USA must get involved. #KnitTheRevolution with @WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All for their hard work & their efforts.

#M4All is the only answer.

Everyone who is doing #M4All Marches from AZ & NJ must make sure to add @RedBeretsM4All. That way, she can help to amplify your Tweet(s).

#MedicareForAll is the only thing that everyone must focus on. Not on smears. Not on fear. Focus on Policy & only on Policy. That's how we will win.

#KnitTheRevolution. Not divide. Solidity to @WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All for what they are doing.

People will attack because they like the way the things are. Our job, our goal, is not to divide among us & not fall back.

What we do is we get stronger, fight harder because we're almost there. #M4All must be in our minds. Keep supporting @RedBeretsM4All & @WholeWashington.

There will always be challenge. The answer is to face it in a positive way. Never lose the main focus of the job.

Stick to the main issue; Policy. Everyone desperately needs #M4All no matter what.

@WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All, let's keep fighting for the right cause.

Every single human beings throughout USA desperately needs #M4All. That also includes Republican voters.

When discussing a Policy to improve people's life, notice one thing: There's no Red V Blue.

#KnitTheRevolution to @WholeWashington & @RedBeretsM4All for what they're doing.

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