Libby, MT, got #M4All from Section 1881A of SS because they're exposed to hazardous airborne Asbestos.
Similarly, a sitting President alone can give this Policy to the entire country by signing it with the stroke of a pen because the entire population is exposed to COVID.
It's happening in 27 States & 36 Cities so far. It's on 7/24. See the link at bottom.
People will attack because they like the way the things are. Our job, our goal, is not to divide among us & not fall back.
What we do is we get stronger, fight harder because we're almost there. #M4All must be in our minds. Keep supporting @RedBeretsM4All & @WholeWashington.
There will always be challenge. The answer is to face it in a positive way. Never lose the main focus of the job.
Stick to the main issue; Policy. Everyone desperately needs #M4All no matter what.
Sometimes I think that the people in the Congress (House and Senate) and the White House are really losing contact and not knowing what's on with every single human beings throughout the USA.
In case you don't know, and you haven't seen the latest polls, every single human beings in the USA hold the President of the US in contempt. They hold the Congress (House and Senate) in contempt.
They hold Republican Party in contempt. They hold Democratic Party in contempt.
I know that you are running against Thomas Suozzi for Congress NY03 in 2022.
Thomas Suozzi won three times in a row. 2016 Election Cycle was his first win.
Ever since he entered the Office, three Medicare For All Single Payer Bills were introduced:
1. HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act
2. HR 1384 Medicare for All Act of 2019
3. HR 1976 Medicare for All Act of 2021
Rep Suozzi hasn't Cosponsored any of the three Medicare For All Single Payer Bills.
He is an Anti - Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right
Healthcare System.
With that being said, @DarrigoMelanie, it will be wonderful & very helpful on your part if you can find, meet, discuss & work with Frank Puig, @frank_puig.
Frank Puig lives in your Congressional District 03. He knows & have met Thomas Suozzi a multiple times
At the beginning, it was $10 Trillion. It went down to $6 Trillion. Senator Joe Manchin called for $4 Trillion. From there it went down to $3.5 Trillion.
After that, it became at the range of $1.9 Trillion & $2.2 Trillion.
Now the Reconciliation Bill is at $1.75 Trillion &
it's got nothing in it to help every single human beings throughout the USA.
Meanwhile, Joe Manchin is flexing his arm. However. Let me make a crystal clear. Joe Manchin is doing the bidding of President Biden. Yeah.
President Biden isn't fighting for his plan & Joe Manchin
is doing the bidding of President Biden. Think about it.
President Biden isn't fighting for his own plan at all. But Progressives in Congress are praising, fighting for President Biden's plan & this is the problem.
They were supposed to push President Biden to the Left; but