Hurricane Watcher 🇺🇦 | #DemocracyWins Profile picture
NZ, US, UK. Ally🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🟦 #DemocracyWins against right wing autocracy. #BlackLivesMatter. She/her. Survivor. Stronger than ever. Slava Ukrainii.

Jul 7, 2021, 9 tweets

(1) Thread 3: Storm #Elsa

Forecast has swung back & forth between Tropical Storm (TS) & Cat 1 Hurricane this week.

Currently 65mph max sustained winds, with a chance of re-intensification. So, the H warnings remain.



(2) By the way, the next names on the Atlantic storms list are #Fred and #Grace. This season is forecast to be above-average in number and intensity of storms.

For now, #Elsa is the only hurricane-ish storm near the USA.

It has not yet made landfall but that's expected today.

(3) As always, excellent coverage on the Weather Channel:…

(4) The forecast cone has shifted a bit and Elsa is expected to traverse inland GA, SC, NC & VA before hugging the coast all the way through the Maritimes in Canada. Might even show up in Europe, we'll see.

(5) My previous threads on #Elsa are:

Thread #1:

Thread #2:

Some really wide-ranging topics covered in those threads.

(6) TS #Elsa update 8am ET Wednesday:

Still the same max sustained wind speed of 65mph, unchanged from 5am.

While we wait for landfall, note this rain forecast for the entire Eastern seaboard:

(7) 9.22am ET update: #Elsa finally nearing landfall. Pressure dropped to 999mb.

Cedar Key seems to be the place to watch. Currently West of the town, and several weather folk think landfall will be North of it.

(8) Impressive:

(9) #Elsa has made landfall near Steinhatchee, Florida.

Details here:…

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