Cas Mudde ⚠️ Profile picture
Politics Professor in USA; European politics; far-right politics; soccer & politics; extremism & democracy; blocks far-right supporters and enablers; he/him

Jul 12, 2021, 21 tweets

I had promised some movie reviews/tips a while back. Forgot about it, but here are some for your summer. #movies #documentaries #reviews #thread

(these four are must-sees 🎞️❤️)


Raw independent movie about two transgender sex workers showing the underbelly of Los Angeles. Incredible acting and cinematography. It was shot on 3 iPhones! 😮10/10

Below Zero

Excellent Spanish thriller about a prisoner transport that is ambushed but the plan is different than expected. Original twist to classic theme. 9/10

My Brooklyn

Excellent but depressing documentary about the gentrification of Brooklyn focusing particularly on Fulton Mall. Criminal government-business collusion. 9/10

The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch

Wonderful coming-of-age movie of an orthodox Jewish young man in Zurich, who is struggling with family, love, and religion. Funny and touching. 9/10

The Life Ahead

Exceptional Italian drama about a young Black orphan who has to live with a dementing old Jewish woman. Incredible acting by young boy (Ibrahima Gueye) and La Loren. 10/10

The Serpent

Short series about the insane, but true, story of a Frenchman who robbed and killed western tourists in Asia and smuggled gems. Well made but the changes in chronology/time are annoying. 8/10


Italian series about young migrant youth who defend their “barrio” against wealthy developers. Exciting mix of reality and sci-fi and movie and cartoon. Great promo for the city of Milan. Never knew it was so modern. 8/10

When We Collided

Cliché movie about toxic bad boy good girl romance that is, by US standards, quite racy. Overall, it’s mostly underwhelming. 5/10

Sanpa: Sins of the Savior

Somewhat disappointing documentary about an amazing story, namely the largest drug addict rehab community in the world, San Patrigano in Italy. Focuses too much on leader and possible crimes and too little on financing and organization. 7/10

Room 2804

Four-part documentary about the infamous sexual assault case of DSK in NYC. Shows the frustrations of criminal cases over rape as well as the stereotypes that Americans and French have about each other. 8/10

The Florida Project

Tough independent movie about kids who grow up in the cheap motels in the shadow of Disneyland. Brilliant acting provides a harrowing insight into the two America’s. 9/10


Intelligent and powerful thriller about a ruthless lobbyist who changes sides to work against the gun lobby and faces its wrath. Smart and surprising. 8/10

Green Zone

Action movie about the invasion of Iraq and the WMD betrayal. It’s about the heroic US soldier that takes on the corrupt US forces to uncovers everything. You know, the heroic patriot that doesn't exist. 8/10


US movie about nice Black young man in Harlem who gets involved in murder case. Original cinematography, great acting, and smart build-up makes this an exceptional movie. 9/10

And Tomorrow the Whole World

German movie about an upper-class girl that joins a group of anti-fascists and radicalizes. Not bad but hits most of the cliches of similar movies/series like Die Welle. 7/10

Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Classic Album)

Fascinating one-hour documentary about the epic “Paranoid” album of the legendary rock band Black Sabbath. Makes you re-realize how talented and well-connected they were. 8/10

Fury of the Demon

Story about a mysterious movie that has been shown just three times in over 100 years and each time led to crazy violent reactions of audience. Starts interesting but becomes a bit repetitive. 7/10

The New York Hardcore Chronicles Film

Insider rockumentary about New York hardcore that has virtually all the key players and gives great history but without much context or explanation. Even difficult to follow at times for a NYHC fan like me. 8/10

Blinded By the Light

Inspired by real story, this movie tells the story of a Pakistani boy who find inspiration in Bruce Springsteen to leave Luton. Funny, original, painful, touching, a true masterpiece. 10/10

I started with a masterpiece and I end with a masterpiece. More in a few weeks, as I will give my recently cvompleted "movie room" 😮 an extra spin in the coming days. #TheEnd

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