Yan Holtz Profile picture
Software engineer who ❤️ #dataviz. Creator of https://t.co/sj29jZPkYr and the R, Python, D3 and React graph galleries. ➡️ https://t.co/PoJNeHXz8a 📈 🌊 🍺

Jul 15, 2021, 7 tweets

☀️New load of #rstats and #python charts 🚢

Would you know how to build them?


1/5 One more example by @CedScherer showing how to add proper labels on a line chart:

R: r-graph-gallery.com/web-line-chart…
Python: python-graph-gallery.com/web-line-chart…

2/5 One more example by @alextuowang: a good looking radar chart:

R: r-graph-gallery.com/web-radar-char…
Python: python-graph-gallery.com/web-radar-char…

btw, I know radar chart are criticised:

3/5 Manhattan plots for genetic studies. R by me, Python by Ozlem Tok.

R: r-graph-gallery.com/101_Manhattan_…
Python: python-graph-gallery.com/manhattan-plot…

4/5 Chord diagram with python using the MNE library, by @MGolos

R: r-graph-gallery.com/chord-diagram.…
Python: python-graph-gallery.com/406-chord-diag…

5/5 last but not least, 2 blogposts to explain how to use custom fonts with R (#ggplot2) and Python (#Matplotlib).

Massive thanks to @CaprettoTomas 🙏🙏🙏

R: r-graph-gallery.com/custom-fonts-i…
Python: python-graph-gallery.com/custom-fonts-i…

Hope those examples can help level up your #dataviz skills!

One more Thank you to @CedScherer, @alextuowang and @CaprettoTomas for their work.

Please let me know if you want to see your work incorporated in the galleries!!🙏🙏


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