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Jul 18, 2021, 7 tweets

#BREAKING Flood death toll rises to 156 in Germany, 183 for Europe: police

#UPDATES Death toll from devastating floods rises to 156 in Germany, police say, bringing total to at least 183 in western Europe In Rhineland-Palatinate state alone, one of worst-hit German regions, police report 110 dead, up from 98

Chancellor Angela Merkel is to visit flood-ravaged areas in Germany to survey the damage and meet survivors, after days of extreme rainfall in western Europe leave at least 183 people dead and dozens missing

#UPDATE German Chancellor Angela #Merkel visited flood-ravaged areas of the country on Sunday to survey the damage and meet survivors, after days of extreme downpours in western Europe left at least 183 people dead and dozens missing #Schuld

#BREAKING German Chancellor Merkel says shocked by 'surreal' devastation in flood-stricken western region

#BREAKING German Chancellor Merkel says world 'must hurry' in fight against climate change on visit to flood-stricken region

#UPDATE German Chancellor Angela #Merkel said Sunday she was horrified by the "surreal" devastation in a flood-ravaged region of the country, as the toll in western Europe reached at least 184 people dead with dozens still missing #RhinelandPalatinate

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