Maryam Rajavi Profile picture
The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran @Maryam_Rajavi_P @Maryam_Rajavi_A @Maryam_Rajavi_F

Jul 22, 2021, 10 tweets

The National Council of Resistance of #Iran, the country’s present and future asset - Speech on the 40th anniversary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran #NCRIAlternative

Our warmest salutations to the arisen #Khuzestan that is suffering & thirsting under the mullahs’ rule. Naming this NCRI session as the gathering of the arisen Khuzestan, let us honor the memories of their innocent martyrs and the sacrifices made by this suffering Province.

The NCRI is honored to have elevated the democratic legacies of the Constitutional Movement and the National Movement of #Iran in four decades of relentless struggle against the backward religious fascism and put forth a progressive alternative.

The NCRI represents the Iranian people’s desire for regime change and the establishment of a free #Iran. #NCRIAlternative…

Plundering the country’s wealth and revenues is indispensable to the strategy of contraction. The regime funds the projects to preserve its rule from the people’s pockets, & shirks the responsibility to invest in social welfare, health care, and education. #Iran #NCRIAlternative

The appeasement advocates can no longer justify their wheeling & dealings with the mullahs, claiming that there are moderates within the regime. Likewise, the mullahs can no longer disguise their criminal officials and present them as reformists to its western counterparts. #Iran

Indeed, the conditions for overthrowing the regime are at hand. Khamenei is at an impasse with no room to maneuver. There is no solution for the multitude of unanswered social demands. The protests have already risen from under the ashes of the #Coronavirus. #NCRIAlternative

Poverty has become widespread; starvation has affected millions. Unemployment and loss of jobs have enraged the public. Daily bankruptcy of businesses has destroyed many families. Women and youth are perishing from repression and deprivation. #IranProtests…

The taking office of a mass murderer indicates the regime’s precarious & fragile state where its measures to protect the regime provoke protests and upheavals in #Iran every day. The most important character of the present situation is a sense of urgency dominating the regime.

The time has come for us to compel the regime to drink the poison chalice of human rights. With resistance and uprising, and with the great Army of Freedom, this mission can certainly be achieved. #FreeIran2021 #NCRIAlternative…

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