Boo Soon Yew 🇲🇾 Profile picture
A Liverpool Fan from Malaysia.. who is also a born-again Christian and has a keen interest in education.. now embracing a political responsibility + catman meow

Jul 23, 2021, 9 tweets

A very good look at how #Vaccination reduces mutation in #SARSCoV2 , the causative agent of #COVID19 !! .. 1/n…

Research was done on 2 prongs: First was by comparing data, analyzing over 1.8 million #SARSCoV2 genomes from 183 countries.. comparing to vaccination rates.. 2/n…

Results were remarkable !!
Definitely a decline in diversity of #SARSCoV2 lineage, coinciding with onset of mass #vaccination in countries !! .. 3/n…

Then a detailed look at how mutation is quantified.. by looking at Spike glycoprotein.. 4/n…

Now a very detailed genetic mapping of mutational frequency in known B-cell epitopes..

Note for Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Delta.. 5/n…

Remember the 2 prong approach of this study ? So after macro analysis of data.. now a micro level; comparing vaccinated & unvaccinated individuals..
Results validate the conclusion
But sample size is small:
vaccinated, n = 23
unvaccinated, n = 30 .. 6/n…

To cut a long story short..
Vaccinated individuals have LESS mutation of the virus, compared to unvaccinated ones !! .. 7/n…

So what take homes can we gather ?
1) For sure, with vaccination reducing mutation.. this will definitely reduce chance of future emergence of VOCs ..
2) Reducing mutation may make virus more susceptible to antibodies & reduce breakthrough infection in vaccinated individuals ..

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