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Jul 25, 2021, 26 tweets

1. Remember Huff?

2. More Huff and Puff

3. Broad FOIA hint from Huff
@sai_suryan @USRightToKnow

4. Huff likes our Reports...

5. Huff likes my idea of EcoHealth handing over their digital devices for inspection and analysis by forensic experts, as proposed in:


and targets named here:…

6. Huffing and Puffing to the FBI?

7. Huff Hates Daszak, that's Clear ;)

8. Huff Explains Why he Despises Daszak

"as the mere product of a broken and corrupt system"


"mistakes could be responsible for the deaths of millions"

This is an ex VP of EcoDeathAlliance talking...

Journalists, for Chrissake!

9. An interesting "Like" from Huff

"You are the origin of conspiracy man, you are the origin of COVID and GOFF"

10. Huff Says Lab Leak Plain & Simple

"There is ample circumstantial evidence to support a Lab Leak. There is no circumstantial evidence to support natural emergence"

He should Know, right?

11. And Huff doubles up on that 🎆

Just remember who is saying this.

12. Huff on FB and Google WIV/Ecohealth

13. The Thorny Question of Data - Virus Data

"who collects the data, who decides what data is relevant and necessary, who controls the data, who regulates data validity and accuracy, who decides what data is entered in the system"

Try asking EIDITH...

14. The "probable lab leak from WIV"

15. Mounds of Peer Reviewed Shit Everywhere


"Peter Daszak's original, now retracted, Lancet Article on the origins of Covid"

Well spotted, Huff!

16. How much circumstantial evidence do you need?

"if this were a court of law for a criminal case, then the jury would find the defendant guilty"

17. Maybe a Pangolin kissed a Turtle?

18. Accountability is more important than Vaccines

19. Huff watching @dasher8090 and @quay_dr

20. Huff sums it up

21. What else do they know?
Huff (ex-EHA/DTRA)


Both know much of the background & not happy about it

Main problem is they will only talk to Feds about certain aspects of interest

Let's hope they are singing!

22. My favourite screenshot

Did the Feds get the Message?

Are they squatting on it?

24. Huff Threads and Archived Versions:
Part 1:…
Part 2:…

Addendum via @iC

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