"as the mere product of a broken and corrupt system"
"mistakes could be responsible for the deaths of millions"
This is an ex VP of EcoDeathAlliance talking...
Journalists, for Chrissake!
9. An interesting "Like" from Huff
"You are the origin of conspiracy man, you are the origin of COVID and GOFF"
10. Huff Says Lab Leak Plain & Simple
"There is ample circumstantial evidence to support a Lab Leak. There is no circumstantial evidence to support natural emergence"
He should Know, right?
11. And Huff doubles up on that 🎆
Just remember who is saying this.
12. Huff on FB and Google WIV/Ecohealth
13. The Thorny Question of Data - Virus Data
"who collects the data, who decides what data is relevant and necessary, who controls the data, who regulates data validity and accuracy, who decides what data is entered in the system"
@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley RML expertise in biodefense inlcudes tick & flea agents, so I doubt she would want to discuss how many ticks they have or what they inject them with.
1. Latest Victim of Flo Debarre's "Doxxng" Crusade
Is ME!
I got a disturbing & threatening email, mentioning:
"room for negotiation about the name"
"1st story is often the one that sticks, even if it's not accurate..your chance to negotiate terms"
"continue over Signal"
2. Le Monde
The reporter she is working with, William Audureau @Willvs , seems a principled journalist and did not know of her nefarious doxxing activities against me and other members of DRASTIC and our supporters in Academia, of which he dissaproves.
@Willvs 3. Best way to deal with bullies is to expose them!
I thus emailed CNRS, Cyber Security Office & the Minister of the Interior to complain
"Participant 12" (maybe a soldier at Aldershot). after infection with SC2, over time experienced a substantial number of mutations suggestive of rapid evolution.
Ferdinand de Lesseps's success in building the Suez Canal in 1869 was utterly derailed by the abysmal failure of his subsequent effort to build the Panama Canal due to disease.
800 thousand people had invested their savings in the project!