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Writer, editor, lecturer, occasional poet, Green Party person. Views here not all party positions. On Bluesky @ Tom--Scott. Follow Back F*** Musk - #FBFM

Jul 26, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ One of the biggest anti-vax, anti-lockdown accounts on Twitter is the so called Anti Lockdown Alliance (GLOBAL). It tweets in several languages but mostly English - all the usual bullsh*t conspiracy theories, about the "Great Reset", Bill Gates, etc...

2/ Here it is sharing a Sputnik article in Portuguese suggesting the virus was created by Bill Gates and George Soros. The Anti Lockdown Alliance often tweets stuff from Russian propaganda media controlled by Putin's mafia state...

3/ In fact, the Anti Lockdown alliance are all-round fans of Putin. Here they are welcoming his remarks about the "Great Reset" - one of the conspiracy theories most heavily promoted by Kremlin trolls...

4/ According to the Anti Lockdown Alliance, Putin's Russia is a haven of freedom and tolerance. Unlike Britain, which - along with other EU countries - is now a "police state"...

5/ The Anti Lockdown Alliance is also a fan of Belarus and its tyrannical president Alexander Lukashenko. Another bastion of freedom, apparently. Who'd have thought?

6/ The Anti Lockdown Alliance is not so busy resisting lockdowns and vaccination that it does not have time to comment on foreign policy points relating to Russia...

7/ In fact, the Anti Lockdown Alliance sometimes goes further than simply echoing Kremlin talking points. Here it is suggesting that "Russia storm in and take Nazi occupied Europe for the people" ...

8/ All this might suggest that there is rather more to the Anti Lockdown Alliance than meets the eye. And there is good evidence that Putin's mafia state has been busy promoting conspiracy theories around the pandemic...…

9/ Why is the Kremlin promoting anti-vax, anti-lockdown disinformation?

Same reason as it promoted Trump & Brexit. To cause chaos & conflict in Western countries that it sees as enemies.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of home-grown idiots only to happy to assist in this.

A bit more detail on the Anti Lockdown Alliance in this for @WCountryBylines. If it's not part of a Kremlin influence operation, it certainly looks very much like one.

#disinformation #COVIDIOTS…

This morning, the Anti Lockdown Alliance has been pushing a recording it falsely claims to be of Australian Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw.

Ironically, the actual Kershaw recently warned of right-wing extremists using the pandemic to recruit.…

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