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Aug 6, 2021, 11 tweets

[Thread] 1. Glenda Gray, co-lead investigator, #Sisonke:

We now have results to show the #JnJ jab provides significant protection @ the #DeltaVariant in SA.

What is Sisonke?

The Sisonke study used the #JnJ jab to look @ the effectiveness of the jab among SA #HealthWorkers

2. Gray:
1. #Sisonke vaccinated 477 234 #HealthWorkers
2. 122 sites were used to vaccinate health workers

3. Gray:
#Sisonke researchers used three sets of data to analyse the study's results:
1. 2 sets of data from medical insurers were used and one set of provincial persal data
2. Today Gray is only reporting on two sets of data

4. Gray:
1. #Sisonke ran from 17 February to 17 July (to collect data)
2. Researchers will continue to monitor trial participants for another two years to assess the durability of the protection that the #JnJ vaccine provides

5. Gray:
#Sisonke data shows the #JnJ vaccine provided 91-96.2% protection against death among #HealthWorker trial participants SA

6. Gray:
1. #Sisonke data shows the #JnJ vaccine provides protection against both the #BetaVariant and #DeltaVariant
2. The JnJ jab provides better protection against Delta than Beta, in other words vaccine efficacy for Delta is higher than for Beta

7. Gray: What kind of protection did the #JnJ provide against hospitalisation and death in #Sisonke?
1. The JnJ jab provided 65-66% protection @ hospitalisation
2. The JnJ jab provided 91-95% protection @ death

8. Gray: What about protection @ specifically Delta and Beta?
1. The #JnJ jab provided 67% protection @ hospitalisation as a result of infection with the #Beta variant
2. JnJ vaccine provided 71% of protection @ hospitalisation as a result of infection by the #DeltaVariant

9. Gray: Is the #JnJ jab safe?
1. #Sisonke data showed that the #JnJ vaccine is safe to use
2. Two rare blood clot events occurred among trial participants, but both cases have fully recovered
3. Sisonke will continue to monitor participants for 2 more years to assess safety

10. Gray:
1. #Sisonke data shows there is good durability for the protection that the #JnJ jab provides:
- Protection @ hospitalisation (65%) was the same 28 days after vaccination and 120 days after vaccination
2. Sisonke data shows, at this stage, no booster shot is required

11. Gray:
1. #Sisonke provided the world's first data that the #JnJ vaccine is effective against the #DeltaVariant
2. Real world effectiveness studies show similar vaccine efficacy of the JnJ vaccine.

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