Dr Zoë Ayres Profile picture

Aug 7, 2021, 10 tweets

Types of academics you might encounter, based on Disney characters, a thread:

#AcademicChatter #phdchat

The "my academic picture was taken in the 90s" academic.

You go to meet them, you've looked up what they look like, you realise their photo on the university website hasn't been updated in 200 years. They know their stuff, and are a solid 7/10.

The "Definitely got your back, what a Belle" academic.

Great mentor, always got your best interests at heart. Probably knee deep in diversity and inclusion initiatives and not getting enough credit for it. Alway makes you go back and read the literature. 11/10.

The "Waiting to strike" academic.

Waiting in the wings for that tenure track position. Willing to step on others and put others down for professorship. Ask unnecessary "questions" at conferences. -2/10

The "I unfortunately didn't get that big grant but I'm making it work" academic.

Found in the basement, having cobbled together their instrumentation from old bits of systems everyone else thought was junk. They are super proud of their kit though (and so are we). 9/10.

The "I'm better than everyone else" academic.

Thinks their research area is the only one that matters, thinks they are a dead cert for a Nobel, and treats those around them like rubbish. Doesn't even thank their research group in talks. 0/10.

The "first gen" academic.

First of the family to go to university, treats everyone equally, and still smiles at people in the corridor. Doesn't quite know all the hidden agenda of university life but is managing to navigate it by being a stand up guy. 9/10

The "got to get published in a top journal" academic.

They've been working on that Science or Nature paper for so long you realise that their "cloak" is made up of the souls of about 20 PhD students and postdocs. Loves status and metrics. 2/10

The "been here as long as anyone can remember" academic.

Absolute gem. Will help you out when you need and knows EVERYTHING. Falls asleep in school seminars, but it's kind of endearing. 9/10

Who else have you seen in academia? Let's have some weekend fun!

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