Zach Rynes | CLG Profile picture
Community Liaison @Chainlink | The CLG Podcast | Complex topics explained simply | Opinions are my own

Aug 7, 2021, 10 tweets

Next up at #SmartCon is a presentation about the #Chainlink Grants Program with Brett Brody at Chainlink Labs

Grant funds creation of critical smart contract infrastructure, data, services, and new use cases

Funding, access to team members, ongoing support

Supporting an entire ecosystem


Social impact

Bounty campaigns improve the security of the Chainlink network, reward community for securing the network

Research for generating data driven insights for improving oracle networks

Blockchain agnostic integrations of Chainlink oracles into new blockchain networks

Bring data feeds to broader array to DeFi developers

Working with many teams to integrate Chainlink into chains the right way

Large part of the grant program is supporting the community

Supporting developers with education, guidance, and tooling

Updating infrastructure smart contract developers rely upon

Supporting new use cases and innovators

Great blog post on 77 use cases of Chainlink oracles…

Social impact is another important goal

Supporting UNICEF and Open Earth Foundation

Supporting social innovations

More Chainlink Grants to come

Ramping up social impact initiatives…

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