Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Aug 11, 2021, 22 tweets

Only one of these statements can be correct
#edutwitter #CleanAirAutumn #vaccinateANDmitigate

2/ Hmmm....

3/ Delta is more pathogenic, the question is by how much, surely this means the chance of risk is increased for everyone, children will still have lower risk than someone older and unvaccinated

4/ But I guess its important to say that there are other ppl who agree we don't need to worry about Delta in schools

Munro for a start

5/ And there are more who agree, confused why Pollock says these ppl aren't being heard, they do trials and studies for the government

Viner here telling Australia they should halt all child vaccination

6/ Viner says children have innate natural cross protection from T-Cells.

He has a paper to back that up, from Ladhani

7/ Remember recently where they divided deaths by total under 18 population, death rate is low but this minimises

Now who was using that stat recently?🤔

8/ Vaccinating will save some children's lives but not that many.

9/ Viner says don't worry about long covid, vaccine risk could be higher, but does he have a study I hear you ask.

Certainly does, written by Ladhani and co.

10/ Long Covid, transmission, vaccination, DCT rather than isolation, masks, they've got a while body of evidence for why we don't need mitigations or vaccination for students

11/ This studies are being quoted around the world by politicians and groups arguing against the need for mitigations in education

How often do we hear
"Many experts agree"
"Lots of evidence"

12/ There is a chasm opening up between paediatricians in North America and this influential UK group

Scratching my head at the Delta is milder, but not the first time

13/ Viners April 2020 study has been one of the UK government’s main source of evidence that children are less likely to transmit, its guided policy and is in the updated green book (local gov rulebook)

14/ Viner has consistently gaslighted campaigners on school safety,

I think the interview on #r4today after masks had been removed shows him making factually incorrect claims about UK school safety measures

15/ After schools moved to keyworkers during the Alpha wave DfE select committee had a meeting where they concluded schools hadn't played a meaningful role in transmission and this wasnt why they were closed

4 experts including Viner

16/ I'll conclude with this contradiction...

The second screenshot is arguing against vaccinating now.

17/ Still arguing there's very little evidence that transmission occurs in school

18/ Ladhani works with PHE,
1. What he claims happens with positive cases

2. DfE Guidence that education settings have been following

In secondary we were checking seating plans and sending home who they sat next to

19/ I like how they use the "Children need a union line"

I mean every child does needs someone to be their voice, but do they want that voice to be arguing for their right to be infected?

20/ Yep, Children really need a voice to explain why its unethical not to run experiments removing isolation in schools without asking for consent of other pupils if they want to be sitting with a close contact.

21/ As for Viners April study that set the foundations for the Governments evidence base for schools

22/ The ONS schools covid infection study is another plank of UK policy, this is the 6th sample they've taken..

of students who are in on the day, so excluding positive cases and contacts isolating..


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