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Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

Aug 18, 2021, 5 tweets…

The UK is now averaging over 30,000 new cases a day again, after dropping down to as low as 26,000 new cases a day a few weeks ago.

#Covid19UK #coronavirusuk #DailyCovidUpdate

Also in terms of changes, the two country comparison tables on the UK page have been updated now!

On the basic table there is now a 12 week trend of cases/deaths for each country, which will be updated once a week on Sunday.

Then on the detailed table there has been a more drastic design change, and the sections for cases, deaths, and vaccinations have all been adjusted to look roughly the same as one another

There is also a 'new today' and a 'change from previous 7 days' column for vaccinations now

And the search bar is a little more useful now!

In addition to typing in 'million' to show countries with over a million population only, you can now type in something like 'Europe million' to show countries with over a million population in Europe specifically.

You can also search for 'European Union', 'G7', and 'G20' to just show countries from those groups. And as before you can still just type multiple countries into the search bar to show the figures for them only.

It can be a little finicky at times, but can also be very useful!

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