Matt Garcia Profile picture
I teach businesses the rules of A.I.T. (Artificial Intelligence Transition)

Aug 23, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ My three favorite too-old-to-fail #NFT projects:

> RarePepes
> CryptoArte
> CurioCards

The 3 are the oldest in their respective categories
The 3 are still greatly undervalued compared to the 2nd oldest

#NFTCommunity #NFThistory #NFTcollector


2/ #RarePepes
The oldest popular NFT project in history

It's older than the 2nd oldest popular project (CryptoPunks) but much cheaper.

most expensive CryptoPunk ever sold >> $ 11.7 Million
most expensive rare pepe (a 1/1 piece) >> $300k.

That's 40x room to grow!


3/ #CurioCards
The oldest collectible on Ethereum

It's older than the 2nd oldest Ethereum collectible project (CryptoPunks) and yet much cheaper.

global CryptoPunks sales to date: 328k Ξ
global CurioCards sales to date: 9k Ξ

Again, that's 40x room to grow!


4/ #CryptoARTE
The oldest generative art project in NFT history

Older than the 2nd oldest (Autoglyphs) & much older than ArtBlocks

biggest #Autoglyphs sale: $1,4 million
biggest #ArtBlocks sale: $2,4 million
biggest CryptoArtes sale: $77k

Again, massive room to grow!


5/ Due to this big price discrepancy, I believe these 3 OG projects have great upside

It doesn't mean these 3 OGs are necessarily going to reach the same price levels of their younger OG rivals

But it's very possible that they reach a fraction of it

Risk/Reward is huge


6/ Until these past few weeks,
the fact that these 3 projects
were somewhat more complex to buy/understand than their younger OG rivals
had kept them in relative investing obscurity...

7/ But now at last, all 3 are easily & transparently purchasable on OpenSea:

> CryptoArte…
> CurioCards…
> Rare Pepes…


This recent re-discovery
& the increased ease of purchase
is going to make investing in them more popular

As investors get educated on the intricacies of these 3 projects,
their currently buried historical value is getting unearthed

— we're in price-discovery times

9/ As the copycat profile-pic project fad loses steam,
& the NFT market goes into a cool down
or perhaps a slump,

NFT $$$ are going to seek refuge in projects that possess intrinsic scarcity & that are fad-resistant

10/ And there's nothing more scarce & fad-resistant than history.

There's only one year 2016 only one 2017 & only one 2018.

And these years will be forever etched in NFT history as a primal source of scarcity and rarity that withstands passing fads.

They are too old to fail.


Some of the info/insight on this thread comes from following the NFT archeology work made by:


Thanks a lot!

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