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Aug 1 9 tweets 5 min read

The AI enthusiast community has recently been panicking that #AI may have reached a plateau.

But this is a psychological misperception.

In this thread, I explain why.

Let's start with a graph showing the gaps between GPT releases: Image As you can see, there's no recent slowdown.

Even if we use the postponed GPT-5 release date (late 2025 - early 2026) that @miramurati appeared to imply in her latest interview,

the graph still shows the same rate of progress as in the past 4 years.

The time from GPT-4 to GPT-5 would be almost identical to that from GPT-3 to GPT-4.

May 30, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Investing clichés can be cheesy...

...but also very true!

These are my favorite TRUE clichés about investing in #crypto/#NFTs



We obsess with getting that huge sale

The stuff of dreams!

But most fortunes are made from a multitude of small sales, from consistent rinse & repeat

Instead of dream-pricing, price realistic

Realistic pricing = real sales

Real sales = ...

Mar 25, 2022 52 tweets 34 min read
Starting to think that all good @ensdomains are taken?

Think again. In this thread, I list 24 overlooked domain-picking strategies that could make a lot of money in the coming web3


#ENS $ENS #ENSdomains #domains #web3 #blockchaindomains #NFTdomains #NFTs The logo of ENS domains app... This is the TLDR summary of my insane-long video on ENS picks.

Full video here >>

0/24... A list of the 24 ENS domain...
Mar 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
No, #squatters are not bad for #ENS.

They are inevitable.

In a free market, you can't simply wish squatters away.

In any free-market namespace, every single name with perceived value will be registered by the market participants as soon as there are enough participants.

1/3 Image 2/3 So since valuable names will always be squatted in any sizable free market, then, the more professional those squatters are the better for the ecosystem.

We don't need fewer squatters (impossible) we actually need more, professional ones.

#ENS $ENS #ENSDomains #Squatters Image
Sep 28, 2021 27 tweets 23 min read
* * * * * * THE 13 TYPES OF NFTS * * * * * *
* * * * & Why They Matter to Investors * * *

1/ This is a summary of my looong video on the 13 types of NFTs with the main takeaways.

(Video here: )
#NFTCommunity #NFTinvesting #NFTs

... 13 circular images representing the thirteen types of NFTs. 2/ I divide the 13 NFT categories into:

#NFTs that already move significant amounts of $$$

#NFTs that are not moving much $$$ but show promise

... Diagram. At the top is written: 'NFT TYPES'. In the left col
Aug 31, 2021 14 tweets 11 min read
* * * * * HOW TO BUY RARE PEPES * * * * *

1/ Since my last thread went viral,
I've been receiving a continuous stream of DMs from people asking how to buy #RarePepes

So here goes the most succinct & simple overview that I could put together

#NFTcommunity #NFTcollector Pepe The Frog with the text 'How to Buy Pepes' 2/ WHY PEPES MATTER?

#RarePepes are the first Art project in the history of NFTs.

They were also very popular—in that sense, they were to Bitcoin what #CryptoPunks are to Ethereum.

This makes their rediscovery one of the greatest opportunities in #NFTs at the moment.
... Timeline showing different NFT projects. RarePepes appears a
Aug 23, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ My three favorite too-old-to-fail #NFT projects:

> RarePepes
> CryptoArte
> CurioCards

The 3 are the oldest in their respective categories
The 3 are still greatly undervalued compared to the 2nd oldest

#NFTCommunity #NFThistory #NFTcollector

continues... Circular images showing a '... 2/ #RarePepes
The oldest popular NFT project in history

It's older than the 2nd oldest popular project (CryptoPunks) but much cheaper.

most expensive CryptoPunk ever sold >> $ 11.7 Million
most expensive rare pepe (a 1/1 piece) >> $300k.

That's 40x room to grow!

... On the left image of the mo...