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Being kind isn't hard and being optimistic is easy if you view the world as partners on this planet. https://t.co/COYJQbdcq3

Aug 28, 2021, 11 tweets

@SusanDelacourt makes some good points, But lets be clear, it's way past time we talked about this.
The media barely covered the 'Friendly Sausage Maker' who broke into Rideau Hall. He's now a footnote in the hate business column. 1/
#cdnpoli #Elxn44

The day before Canada Day 2020, Erin O'Toole released this mocking video of the Prime Minister.
Priming the troops for the Canada Day protest ? 2/ #cdnpoli

On Canada 2020 day we saw a protest on Parliament Hill and O'Toole tweeted about 'cancel culture' and the Maple Leaf flag. 3/

The following day July 2nd 2020 enter Corey Hurren.
Did he attend the rally on Parliament Hill on July 1st, perhaps he did. But Erin O'Toole never condemned the action or this man in the aftermath of Rideau Hall attack. #cdnpoli 4/

A few weeks later in Aug 2020 Erin celebrated his leadership win after using the services of the far right founder of Canada Proud. I see Erin O'Toole in the midst of the festivities without a mask.... in the middle of a Pandemic. #cdnpoli 5/

Dec 2020 Erin O'Toole needed publicity after his win. So very handy to have contacts like Andrew Lawton and True North. The far right seems too close to Erin. 6/

Some people follow rules and some don't. When Canadians were told not to visit family and definitely not our grandparents in Dec 2020...before vaccines were even available Erin went to see his 96 yr old Grandma. 7/ #Privilidge #cdnpoli

And quite frankly I found it offensive that I followed the rules when a prospective Prime Minister did not.
In a damn garage,10 feet apart and no close contact. 8/

But wait there's more. Erin O'Toole and the CPC then decided to throw out some rhetoric, that Trudeau was going to rig the election. Them's fighting words for the far right. 9/

Erin O'Toole by his words and easy association with Rebel Media, True North & Canada Proud, tells me all I need to know about the man, his party and the base they appeal to. This is not the Canada I know and love. Please vote wisely on Sept 20th. 10/ #cdnpoli

Compassion and the ability to understand the real pain of just one grieving father gets my vote every single time. 11/ #VoteLiberal #cdnpoli #IStandWithTrudeau @JustinTrudeau

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