Henry Han Profile picture
Cardiologist MBBS, MD, FACC, FESC | Physician-Sci & Researcher MPH | #HeartFailure 🧑‍⚕️| #HFA & #EACVI Committee @escardio

Aug 29, 2021, 8 tweets

Enthusiasm vs. evidence for COVID-19 pharmacotherapies: what do we know and what have we learnt? - Joint with (ISCP)

Prevention of thromboembolism in COVID-19
#ESCCongress @escardio @ESC_Lavinia @Steph_Achenbach @susannaprice @mmamas1973 @fhussain73 @DrJennHaythe md

How large impact of COVID19 pandemic on CVD and care

#ESCCongress @escardio

What is needed in relation to the evidence on Immunomodulatory Rx for COVID19 ?

What are ongoings ?

#ESCCongress @escardio @ESC_Journals @DLBHATTMD @VietHeartPA @ATVBCouncil @CVR_TomaszGuzik @mmamas1973 @JGrapsa @PeterHotez @VirusesImmunity @VDelgadoGarcia

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