Henry Han Profile picture
Cardiologist MBBS, MD, FACC, FESC | Physician-Sci & Researcher MPH | #HeartFailure 🧑‍⚕️| #HFA & #EACVI Committee @escardio
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 9 min read
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 10 min read
Is it important for physicians to understand mechanisms to treat heart failure? By Legendary #MiltonPacker

@HFA_President @WilfriedMullens @FH_Verbrugge @JavedButler1
@jozinetm @_antocannata @DjawidHashemi
@doctorchecho @h_arfsten
@SotiriaLiori @LauraMeems @escardio ImageImageImageImage Physicians make decisions NOT by memorizing trials or guidelines, but by having a conceptual framework about drugs and diseases

#HeartFailure2023 @ESC_Journals @escardio @WilfriedMullens @HFA_President @ARakisheva @FH_Verbrugge @WilfriedMullens ImageImageImageImage
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 8 min read
State of the art: Are #HFpEF phenotypes, a needed classification?

#Hypertension phenotype by Dr. Michele Senni

#HeartFailure2023 @lamcardio @JavedButler1 @JamalRanaMD @AHajduczok @WilfriedMullens @FH_Verbrugge @ShelleyZieroth ImageImageImageImage Has #hypertension a greater prognostic impact in HFpEF than #HFrEF?

Should we treat HTN differently in
#HFpEF patients compared to patients without HF?

What are the current evidences ?

#HeartFailure2023 ImageImageImageImage
Oct 19, 2022 6 tweets 8 min read
The natural history of SMR and its longitudinal progression until the onset of severe #MR

There are two distinct patterns of progression of SMR patients with various implications

academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/ad… #EHJCVI @GeraldMaurer @denisamuraru @alessia_gimelli @JGrapsa @iamritu Image Cluster 1 had higher LAV, LVEDV, and #LVESV, along with lower EF and less septal thickness, but slower EF and LVESV progression compared with Cluster 2.

Moderate SMR was more frequent in Cluster 1, whereas Cluster 2 had more non/trivial and mild #SMR

#EchoFirst #EHJCVI Image
Oct 19, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
This study shows that more than 1/3 of patients with new-onset #HeartFailure have #RVD

📌During up-titration of #GDMT, 49% show normalization of RV function

📌The improvement is associated with better outcomes, independent of LV function

onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.100… @ESC_Journals ImageImage RV dysfunction as a predictor of clinical outcome in newly-Dx #HeartFailure

This analysis demonstrates #RVD at baseline and follow-up was associated with a higher risk of all-cause ☠️ [ HR- 1.66 (1.27-2.16) ] and HF 🏥 [ HR -2.20 (1.51-3.21) ]

onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.100… #EJHF
Oct 3, 2022 6 tweets 8 min read
#COAPT Risk Score for Death or #HeartFailure 🏥

📍Simple risk score using 4 clinical (COPD, #NYHA class, Afib/Aflut, and #CKD)

📍4 #EchoFirst (#LVEF, LVESD, RVSP, and #TR) variables + 1 treatment-related variable (#TEER)

jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.… @JACCJournals @GreggWStone ImageImageImageImage Using data from the #COAPT trial, a simple risk score using 4 clinical and 4 Echo parameters + 1 treatment-related variable (#TEER), which provides prognostic insight into the 2-year rates of ☠️ or #HeartFailure 🏥 in patients with symptomatic #HF and severe #FMR

Jul 15, 2022 6 tweets 10 min read
#Immunosuppressive therapy in virus-negative inflammatory CMP : 20-year follow-up of the #TIMIC trial

Immunosuppressive Tx of virus-negative inflammatory #CMP is associated to a persistent improvement of LV
function and better outcomes during long-term follow-up

#HeartFailure #Immunosuppressive Tx promoted an improvement in cardiac function in 88% of the cases compared the placebo group

A persistent ⤴️ in the #LVEF is seen in long -term (up to 20 years) clinical outcomes of the whole cohort of 85 patients originally enrolled in the #TIMIC trial
Jul 14, 2022 8 tweets 11 min read
Medical Therapy for Functional #MR

#GDMT is the first step and prevails as the mainstay in the treatment of #FMR

This review addresses the medical Tx options for FMR Mx and highlight a targeted approach for each FMR category

#HeartFailure #VHDs ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI… @CircHF #GDMT plays a pivotal role in LV reverse remodeling (LVRR) in FMR and leads to reduction in severity and improved outcomes for both atrial and ventricular #FMR

#GDMTWorks #VHDs #HeartFailure
Mar 21, 2022 8 tweets 11 min read
In patients with #HFpEF, treatment with #empagliflozin improves clinical outcomes regardless of background #MRA therapy

@JACCJournals #JACC @unic_cardiovasc @JavedButler1 @FaiezZANNAD #MiltonPacker @robmentz @BiykemB @HFpEF @ShelleyZieroth #MRAs were used in 37% of EMPEROR-Preserved study participants. MRA use was higher in those with a more congested clinical picture, with more HF🏥 within the past 12 months, worse HF symptoms, mildly reduced EF, higher NT-proBNP levels, and more use of loop diuretic agents
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 10 min read
Very insightful discussion on Spectrum of SGLT2-Inhibitor Benefits: Clinical to Symptoms to Quality of Life by @JavedButler1 in #THT2022

@LindenfeldJoa @TheHeartBeat3 @LiviuKlein @HFpEF @RyanTedfordMD @GreggWStone @SKumar_UTHealth @gtsayer @SrihariNaiduMD @purviparwani 📌SGLT2i clinical benefits is seen irrespective of baseline health status

#SGLT2i improve health status and quality of life early and sustained in both patients with #HFrEF and #HFpEF
@ShelleyZieroth @SeguraCardio @docbhardwaj @docbhardwaj @KevinShahMD #THT2022
Nov 4, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
Multimodality imaging in patients with HFpEF: an expert consensus document of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging #EACVI #MMI #HFpEF academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/ad… @ESC_Journals @Cosyns @alessia_gimelli @ThorEdvardsen @VDelgadoGarcia @bogdan_popescu1 @JaeKOh2 This expert consensus document from the #EACVI provides recommendations regarding how to determine elevated LV filling pressure in the setting of suspected #HFpEF and how to use multimodality imaging to determine specific aetiologies in patients with HFpEF @EACVIPresident
Aug 30, 2021 5 tweets 13 min read
Iron deficiency as a therapeutic target in heart failure - new evidence, new guidelines

New evidence from AFFIRM-AHF ‒ implications for clinical practice with ⬆️QoL
#ESCCongress @ESC_Journals @escardio @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @DrNasrien @SilCastelletti @DrMarthaGulati New evidence from AFFIRM-AHF ‒ implications for clinical practice on cost effectiveness and QoL

#ESCCongress @ESC_Lavinia @escardio @ESCardioNews @ShelleyZieroth @JavedButler1 @rachkataria @AndreasGevaert @AndrewJSauer @pabeda1 @BSHeartFailure @FH_Verbrugge @DrRyanPDaly
Aug 29, 2021 8 tweets 22 min read
Enthusiasm vs. evidence for COVID-19 pharmacotherapies: what do we know and what have we learnt? - Joint with (ISCP)

Prevention of thromboembolism in COVID-19
#ESCCongress @escardio @ESC_Lavinia @Steph_Achenbach @susannaprice @mmamas1973 @fhussain73 @DrJennHaythe md Recommendation for thrombophylaxis in COVID19

#ESCCongress @escardio @ESCardioNews @ESC_Lavinia @mmamas1973 @fhussain73 @susannaprice @JJcolemanMD @DrJennHaythe @PeterHotez @VirusesImmunity @bchTicTocDoc @AnastasiaSMihai
Aug 29, 2021 5 tweets 14 min read
Exploring the cardiorenal benefits of MR antagonism in CKD and T2D

📌Finerenone - Novel , selective , non- steroidal MRA

#ESCCongress @lamcardio @BiykemB @MihaiTrofenciuc @pabeda1 @AndrewJSauer @MeralKayikcoglu @ErinMichos @DrMarthaGulati @DavidLBrownMD @JamalRanaMD Finerenone has a favorable safety profile across a wide dose range in patients with CKD and T2DM receiving a RAS blocker

@CMichaelGibson @JamalRanaMD @DrMarthaGulati @AnastasiaSMihai @onco_cardiology @DavidLBrownMD @biljana_parapid @AndrewJSauer @ShelleyZieroth
Aug 28, 2021 4 tweets 9 min read

FIGARO-DKD Finds Finerenone Offers CV Benefits in Mild to Moderate Kidney Disease With T2D; Cuts HF Hospitalization 29% @escardio #ESCCongress @JJheart_doc @AnastasiaSMihai @ESC_Journals @ShelleyZieroth @mmamas1973 @hvanspall @JavedButler1 @DrNasrien @aayshacader A statistically significant 13% lower risk among those treated with finerenone, a benefit that was driven by a reduction in HHF (HR 0.71; 95% CI 0.56-0.90)

@escardio #ESCCongress @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @mmamas1973 @AnastasiaSMihai @DrNasrien @lamcardio @JavedButler1
Aug 28, 2021 6 tweets 12 min read
SGLT2 Inhibitor HFpEF Data: From Context to Clinical Pearls
By @JavedButler1

#ESCCongress @lamcardio @BSHeartFailure @JJheart_doc @ESC_Journals @ESC_Lavinia @escardio @MKIttlesonMD @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @mmamas1973 @aayshacader @pabeda1 The drug ⬇️ the risk of ≥ 50% ⬇️ in eGFR or renal death in EMPEROR-Reduced (HR 0.51; 95% CI 0.33-0.79), but not in EMPEROR-Preserved (HR 0.95; 95% CI 0.73-1.24) #ESCCongress @ESC_Lavinia @escardio
Aug 28, 2021 5 tweets 15 min read
New therapies for patients following a worsening HF event - Sponsored by @Bayer

Current Tx Target Established activated pathways #ESCCongress
@ESC_Lavinia @escardio @ESC_Journals @MajaCikes @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @mmamas1973 @aayshacader @paomorejon @JamalRanaMD @Hragy Overview of VICTORIA outcomes and safety
#ESCCongress #HF @ESC_Lavinia @ESC_Journals @JavedButler1 @Steph_Achenbach @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @rahatheart1 @paomorejon @AnastasiaSMihai @pabeda1
Aug 27, 2021 4 tweets 14 min read
Hot Line - EMPEROR-Preserved / EMPEROR-Pooled

EMPEROR-Preserved, and the “Very Elegant” SGLT2 Inhibitors, to Highlight #ESCCongress @ESC_Lavinia @ESCardioNews @DrNasrien @lamcardio @BiykemB @JavedButler1 @CMichaelGibson @Sarah_Moharem @pabeda1 @HFA_President @mmamas1973 @Hragy ImageImageImageImage EMPEROR-Preserved success on all 3 prespecified hierarchical endpoints 🥇👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

#ESCCongress @HFA_President @ESC_Lavinia @escardio @ESC_Journals @DrNasrien @iamritu @DLBHATTMD @ErinMichos @pabeda1 @ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @MajaCikes @paomorejon @MihaiTrofenciuc @JavedButler1 ImageImageImageImage
Aug 27, 2021 4 tweets 11 min read
Detect, triage and treat atrial fibrillation and heart failure

Potential benefits of rhythm control by 📌possible mortality benefits
📌reduce risk of storks by some latest trials
#ESCCongress #ESC

@escardio @Dr_Nazarian_EP @AndreaRussoEP @SchakrabartiEP @HFA_President ImageImageImage Afib : Early ablation is more effective

#ESCCongress #HF @ESC_Journals @Dr_Nazarian_EP @AndreaRussoEP @SchakrabartiEP @HFA_President @NMHheartdoc @DrNasrien @rachkataria @MKIttlesonMD @AndrewJSauer @mvaduganathan @CMichaelGibson @escardio ImageImageImageImage