WesElyMD Profile picture
Husband & Dad. ICU Doc. Vanderbilt. @CIBScenter studies Covid & Long Covid, ICU Survivorship, PICS, Dementia, Delirium. Tweets my own. Still learning.

Aug 31, 2021, 12 tweets

1/🧵 “Live every day like you have a terminal illness.”

The most important thing I learned @ISICEM, after 3 ✈️ & 4,400 miles to Belgium for this huge meeting of #COVID ICU doctors, had nothing to do w science.

The iconic @JRandallCurtis1 taught me…(pic & story shared w perm)

2/ My friend of 25 years opened his lecture on End-of-Life with, “I have a disclosure of sorts. I’ve been diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), so this will probably be the last time I lecture at this meeting.”

Then he asked us to PAUSE.

3/ Talk about a Frame Shift.

I already knew, but it all hit me like a thunderbolt⚡️. The Father of ICU EOL #PalliativeCare research & former president of @atscommunity had just told us all that he has a fatal illness, and we could hear it in his speech pattern.

4/ Randy bravely stood willing, as always, to teach. And teach he did! Slowly & at times clearly struggling, he shared a lifetime of research knowledge to help the rest of us learn how to improve the lives of dying #COVID & non-COVID patients.

Assure them, “I won’t abandon you.”

5/ “Friends, we are bad at communicating to patients & families. And when we bring other teams into family meetings to help busy doctors, but leave out the ICU doctor herself, it’s often worse and leads to more PTSD.”

JAMA: bit.ly/3jsV9aC

6/ “What we must do is VALUE communication as a medication & a form of healing.”

He invented #VALUE, a 5-step approach that stresses acknowledging emotions, listening, understanding the PERSON & eliciting family questions.


7/ Randy brought #science to “warm & fuzzy” compassionate care. He & @ElieAzoulay5 teamed up to study VALUE in a clinical trial of 126 patients & families in 22 French ICUs. They lessened the burden of human bereavement by ⬇️ anxiety, depression & #PTSD.

8/ Watching Randy lecture, I knew I was witnessing medical history. I choked up as I told the audience about when in 1997 Randy & Dr. Gordon Rubenfeld told me their dream to help others through academics. They brought humanism into the previously cold ICU & ⬇️ doc/nurse burnout.

9/ YOUR LIFE IS BETTER too because #COVID care wouldn’t be what it is without @JRandallCurtis1. He helped taught us a type of spiritual poverty and humility in ICU medicine. To eschew ego and knowledge. The art of touch and listening.

Thank you, Randy!

And then Dr. Curtis delivered the emotional slapshot to what may be the most important lecture I’ve ever heard.

These pearls:
❇️ Choose your mentors & colleagues carefully
❇️ Take “sabbaticals”
❇️ Prioritize family!
❇️ Live every day like you have a terminal illness

Friends - please retweet this 🧵 as a living tribute to @JRandallCurtis1 for allowing his story to be shared (I asked him today and without hesitation he said yes). Help spread Randy’s message of ❤️

Dear Randy @JRandallCurtis1 - on behalf of the >half million people who’ve now read this 🧵 about your ONGOING beautiful life, thank you for telling us👇that your ❤️ is full! I think WE all needed to hear this. Thx for the time yesterday walking with me in the park! #brothers

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