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Healthcare data analysis & snark 🦋

Sep 1, 2021, 103 tweets

THREAD: In "honor" of Texas' new draconian, cruel, repulsively fascist abortion ban & bounty law, this is the final time I'll be posting these since it's clear that the Republican Party has sunk to new levels of depravity and misogyny: 1/

Stephen Freind was a Republican state representative in Pennsylvania. He served there for 17 years.

Clayton Williams was sort of the "father" of Republican rape apologists. He actually said this during his 1990 Texas gubernatorial campaign against Ann Richards.

Henry Aldridge was a Republican state representative in North Carolina for 4 years in the '90's.

Fay Boozman was an ophthalmologist, head of the AR health dept. and Republican state senator in Arkansas. There's a college of public health named after him.

Dick Black was a member of the Virginia state house and later the state senate from 1998 right up until last year.

Jeb Bush would like you to please clap.

Mark Anderson was an Arizona Republican legislator from 1995 - 2005.

Warde Nichols was also an Arizona state legislator from 2003 - 2011.

Ken Buck is currently a Republican member of the U.S. House from Colorado.

Bill Napoli was a South Dakota state legislator from 1995 - 2009. He seems to like going into WAYYY too much detail here.

Jonathan Stickland was a Texas state legislator from 2013 right up until this year.

Just to prove misogny isn't limited to men only, Sharron Angle was a Republican state legislator from 1999 - 2007.

Remember Steve King? Yeah, I wish I didn't.

Kathleen Passidomo is not only a Republican state legislator in Florida, she's currently the state senate majority leader. Bravo, Florida.

Eric Turner was a Republican state legislator in Indiana from 1982 - 1986 and again from 1994 - 2014.

Brent Crane has been a Republican state legislator in Idaho since 2006. He's currently the Assistant Majority Leader.

Pete DeGraaf was a Republican state house member from 2008 - 2017.

Bobby Jindal was the Republican Governor of Louisiana a few years back.

Roger Rivard served in the Wisconsin assembly for 2 years.

John Ragan is currently serving in the Tennessee state House, where he's been since 2011.

Google "santorum" right now.

Ron Paul has a son who has just as much compassion and decency as his father.

Chuck Winder is currently the president pro tempore of the Idaho Senate. He has two children.

Tom Smith was a Democrat for decades, but when it became time to run for U.S. Senate he knew he had to change his party affiliation in order to fit in.

Ahh yes...this was the comment which led to my compiling this list in the first place nearly a decade ago.

Todd Akin was a Missouri state legislator and U.S. Congressman for many years before losing his U.S. Senate race after expressing this bit of scientifically shaky logic.

I have to go mow the lawn now, but I'll post the other half of the entries this evening.

That's right, there's over 40 more BEFORE Donald Trump even makes his first appearance.

I'd strongly advise helping keep the #SenateBlueIn22.…

I’d also strongly advise helping keep the #HouseBlueIn22, since it’s at even more risk:…

The Texas law came about because Republicans control the STATE legislature. Help prevent that from happening in VIRGINIA this year:

Here in MICHIGAN, the GOP controls the state House and Senate. The only thing preventing them from enacting the same law is our Governor. Help Dems get control of all three in 2022:…

Welp. My lawnmower conked out on me, so here's the second half, if you can stomach it.

You may recall that Mike Huckabee's horrible daughter is running for his old job as Governor of Arkansas.

Paul Ryan was the Speaker of the House who passed a bill to take healthcare away from 23 million people and then chugged a beer to celebrate.

Rick Berg was a North Dakota legislator & the states sole U.S. Congressman.

Linda McMahon had the distinction of flushing $100 million of her own money down the drain in not one but *two* failed Senate races.

Richard Mourdock was the Indiana state treasurer. I believe he made this statement as part of an attempt to *defend* Todd Akin's earlier "legitimate rape" statement, making for a weird double-down.

Republicans seem to really, *REALLY* think that rapists are just God's personal gift delivery service.

Newt Gingrich has a sterling reputation when it comes to fidelity. No, really.

John Koster was a Republican Washington state legislator.

Ted Cruz has other priorities, like flying to Cancun in the middle of an ice storm & major power outage in his home state.

Obama didn't actually run on this claim, but he probably should have.

Hmmm...Michael Graham is a right-wing radio show host? I wonder if he's vaccinated yet...

Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment led to a LOT of other Republicans also showing their whole asses.

Like this ass.

Cathrynn Brown is a Republican New Mexico legislator. Yes, that's how she spells her name.

#FunFact: years before she went to work for TFG, KellyAnne Conway was already a horrible person.

Celeste Greig used to be the chair of the California Republican Assembly.

According to Wikipedia, Steven Crowder is a "comedian."

Andy Holt is a Tennessee state legislator.

Brad Blakeman is a Republican media consultant.

Sadly, yes, the bill passed. By my rough back-of-the-envelope math, something like 200 Michigan rape victims each year become pregnant from being raped, and therefore have to choose between either paying full price to abort or bringing the fetus to term.…

Michael Savage is another right-wing radio show host (although he apparently supports vaccines, anyway).

Allen West is a former Republican Congressman and was recently the chair of the Texas GOP.

Former Republican U.S. Senator from Georgia. He infamously won his seat after a particularly ugly campaign ad which associated his triple-amputee war hero Democratic opponent, Max Cleland, with Osama bin Laden.

Kellyanne Conway gets a twofer!

If the name Trent Franks rings a bell, it's probably because he resigned in disgrace after being accused of sexual harassment when he tried to pressure not one, but 2 of his female staffers to bear his children as surrogate mothers.

Yes, really.

This may be the most jaw-droppingly creepy entry on the list, which is saying something.

And yes, Michael Burgess is STILL a sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Marsha Blackburn has recently upgraded to the U.S. Senate.

Jodie Laubenberg was a member of the Texas House until 2 years ago.

This was Rick Perry 8 years ago.

Today, the Texas Republican Party did indeed "get-er-done" and even went beyond the prior bill.

OK, I have to take another break to eat dinner.

I'd like to point out that I'm still only up to 2013.

I still have years more GOP sewage to slog through this evening.

In the meantime, I *strongly* recommend doing whatever you can to keep the Senate out of Republican hands next year...… well as the House of Representatives, which is probably even more at risk due to both gerrymandering and the other mountain of voter suppression bills being rammed through by various state GOP legislatures...…

...including attempts to do so by the GOP here in Michigan.…

Former Montgomery County, Pennsylvania GOP Chair Robert Kerns, everybody.

Hmmm...Dick Black...that name sounds familiar...

Oh yeah! He already had another entry upthread:

Lila Rose is positively giddy today (seriously...check her feed if you dare).

I hate having to use a classic quote from "Cop Land" in this context but it's appropriate.

Sater served 4 terms in the Missouri House of Representatives

I know George Will has since become a #NeverTrumper but yeah, this was pretty awful.

I once followed this jackass on Twitter for awhile for some reason or another.

Again, I know he's a #NeverTrumper type and represents the closest thing to decency that the modern GOP is likely to offer, but let's not whitewash Kasich's history.

Rick Brattin is a sitting Missouri state senator who thinks that women should have to get permission from a man before removing his sperm from their body.

There was one time when Lindsey Graham made a genuinely funny the confirmation hearing for Elena Kagen, when he the two of them joked about her eating at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve.

That was 11 years ago, an eternity in politics.

Brian Greene was a Utah state legislator for 5 years. He seems to think it's OK for a guy to fuck his wife while she's unconscious.

Former West Virginia GOP legislator Brian Kurcaba seems to be *hoping* for this to happen.

Like father, like son.

So far I count about a half-dozen women on this list vs. 70 or so men. "Rape Apologist Club" is one glass ceiling I don't think we should be rooting for them to break.

We've finally entered the 2016 GOP Primary season.

I had actually forgotten that Scott Walker ran, to be honest.

Jeb Bush is mostly remembered today for flushing $100 million down the drain in an epic Presidential primary fail, but it's important not to forget that his sad sack "please clap" image masks a mean spirited bastard.

Oh yeah...and one of his partners in crime at the time was none other than this jagoff, who also happens to be up for re-election next year:

Annnnnnnnd there he is: The first entry for TFG on this list.

After the "Access Hollywood Tape" story, most people seemed to completely forget that Ivana Trump--TFG's first wife--alleged in a deposition that he had raped her during their marriage.

TFG's former personal lawyer has kind of, sort of redeemed himself by turning on him, claiming to have repented and spilling the beans...but he also said this in 2015 in response to the prior entry:

Again: His daughter is now the presumptive GOP nominee for Governor of Arkansas.

This reminds me: What actually happened to Ben Carson after he left TFG's Cabinet? Is he still alive?

On second thought, never mind. I don't really want to know.

You'll have to read this at least twice to understand what the hell he just said.

Notice how many of these quotes involve the Republican wanting to be absolutely certain that it was a "real, pure, honest, true, legitimate" rape as opposed to...what, exactly?

For anyone who still claims that Stephen Miller or Jared Kushner can't possibly be anti-semitic because they're Jewish, note that over 10% of the comments on this list are from woman Republicans.

Always good to hear a member of law enforcement chime in on...oh, wait. Never mind.

Another one of John Kasich's less-proud moments.

The second entry for TFG. Yeah, a real champion for women, wasn't he?

Yes, that's right: 4 entries in this sub-category (there's actually like 6 or 7 with slight variants).

Republicans REALLY think women should be grateful that someone raped a fetus into them.

In case you thought it was limited to federal or state-level Republican politicians, here's a humble township committee candidate.

Darryll Glenn may have lost his Senate race in Colorado, but fear not...he's currently on the El Paso County Board of Commissioners. They must be so proud.

63 million Americans voted for him *after* this videotape was made public.

74 million Americans voted for him after this AND the next four years of Hell.

America is utterly broken.


3 months later, Jeff Sessions would be confirmed as Attorney General of the United States.

Always good to hear a man of God chime in.

Rudy Giuliani was last seen shaving in an airport dining area.

I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn that Blake Farenthold resigned less than 2 years later after sexual harassment charges were brought against him. He paid the settlement...with taxpayer funds.

There you have it...nearly 100 entries.

I stopped bothering to update the list after 11/08/16. There didn't seem to be much point anymore, as it clearly didn't do any good, and wading through this sewage took a toll on me which I'm having a bit of a flashback to today.

Anyway, here's the link to donate to RAINN:

Here's the link to donate to help make Michigan blue in 2022, to prevent a similar law from being put into practice here:…

Here's a link to donate to *keep* Virginia blue *this* year, to prevent a similar law from being passed there:

Here's a link to help keep the Senate blue in '22 (hopefully flipping a few more seats so we don't have to kiss Manchin & Sinema's ring on everything):…

Here's a link to help keep the House blue in '22; between gerrymandering and voter suppression laws, it's very much in danger:…

And finally, while this thread isn't about what I usually write about, abortion & reproductive rights ARE healthcare, period.

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