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Femi Oluwole 🇬🇧Law grad Don't like when my government abets genocide 🍉 https://t.co/vumLBkQRxS Write for Independent Media enquiries: By Direct Message

Sep 2, 2021, 12 tweets

It's just chicken & turkey.
It's just milkshake.
It's just cancer drugs in Northern Ireland.
It's just fishing.
It's just Erasmus.
It's just Belfast violence & port threats.
It's just 7K bank jobs.
It's just trade.
It's just farmers.
It's just musicians.

It's just been 8 months!

Obviously I can back all that up. Sources:

The @BritishPoultry Council have said that the Chicken Shortages in Nando's and KFC and Tesco's warnings about Christmas turkeys are because of Brexit.


As for the lack of milkshake and other issues...

The Road Haulage Association has cited Brexit labour shortages as the number 1 barrier to fixing the shortages.



As for the cancer drugs in Northern Ireland...
You may not trust me, but you voted for this guy, so listen to him.

As for fishing...

Just google "fishing express.co.uk Brexit" and you'll see an article about fishing workers complaining about Brexit every week.

Port staff at the newly hardened Irish Sea border have received threats of violence.

As of April 2021...
7,400 banking jobs lost from the City of London.

As for Erasmus...
Boris Johnson accused MP @DougChapmanSNP of lying when saying Brexit might rob UK students of Erasmus, then he robbed UK students of Erasmus.

As for trade, it's the smaller businesses that have suffered the most.

1/4 small UK exporters have simply stopped trading.

That's why since 2020, the Federation of Small Business has been begging the government to provide a functional SME Brexit support fund.

As for Farmers...

"It's about British citizens taking up citizens in other countries because their career opportunities are so limited compared to what they were."

- Tory MP Bernard Jenkin, @Vote_Leave board-member, on musicians being unable to tour.
#BrexitReality @bernardjenkin

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