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The International Truth and Justice Project - #SriLanka. Documenting torture and sexual violence by the security forces in #lka.

Sep 8, 2021, 12 tweets…

Our report on #torture & sexual violence by #srilankan police (including TID) & army - some of it in known police stations - in the last 2 years under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. #lka


@UNHumanRights Press releases in English #tamil & #sinhala at above link.

@UNHumanRights In this report we draw the linkages to the past, examining how the security forces used similar tactics (& white vans) in 1987-90 against mainly #Sinhalese. Those who survived were called "returned prisoners" Drawing on old .@amnesty reports & the commissions .@iqbals37 sat on.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 We found one horrible #srilankan #torture method - the branding with hot metal objects - goes back to 1989 too acc to @amnesty reports from the time.

(hence the cover of the report designed by our friends at .@T_E_M_P_L_O )

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O However - despite the linkages to the past in terms of techniques - the ethnic aspect of the #torture & sexual violence of #tamils is important to note - as we first reported in 2014 in… anti-Tamil insults & verbal abuse accompany the violence.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O The report includes an interesting piece by trauma expert Dr. Korzinski on the corrosive impact of decades of violence in a society - where he argues narrowly focused training & reform programmes will not work.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O Noteworthy is the youth of many of the victims - if u recall the war ended 12 years ago - they were too young to have been combatants.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O We include reporting of cases of similar arrests & torture inside #srilanka (compiled by .@JDSLanka) - & note today Sri Lanka Brief's @sunandadesh also published a list of some PTA related arrests, several of which were also reported by @TamilGuardian .…

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O @JDSLanka @sunandadesh @TamilGuardian For the first time in 2021 we are seeing #tamils crossing the English Channel in rubber dinghies - perhaps because Covid passenger locator forms & reduced air traffic made it harder to fly in.

This sea crossing is EXTREMELY dangerous in an overcrowded dinghy w/o enough fuel.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O @JDSLanka @sunandadesh @TamilGuardian Tragically one of the victims is left with severe cognitive impairment according to doctors.

9 of the #torture cases documented in the UK already have independent medico legal reports corroborating torture.

@UNHumanRights @amnesty @iqbals37 @T_E_M_P_L_O @JDSLanka @sunandadesh @TamilGuardian Several tried to kill themselves after reaching (relative) safety in the UK.

One also said the first time he had been treated with respect in the UK was by the ITJP investigator & interpreter.

Several were deemed too mentally traumatised to testify in their own asylum cases.

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