Dolin Bhagawati Profile picture
London based neurosurgeon. Former Vice-Chair Doctors' Association UK. Written for @Independent & Guardian

Sep 12, 2021, 6 tweets

Problems in #NHS today are not caused by #COVID19 but worsened by it. As proof-here’s some quotes from @ChrisCEOHopson 5 years ago on #marr

Hint:not about face2face appointments then & isnt now, whatever some in media say (#GPCrisis)
-be good if Sajid Javid points this out!

All areas of the #NHS have been under pressure this summer from GPs to hospitals to ambulance services to mental health services. Covid cases will increase this winter (seasonal variation) and this extra workload will cause prolonged & deepened pressure

#marr #phillips

Attacks on GPs in the last few weeks have been aimed at drawing attention from supply issues stopping routine blood tests and hospitals bursting at the seams in summer - real problems that attacking GPs doesnt solve (substitute junior doctor for GP 5 yrs later)


This quote was true in 2016, its even more true now. The craven attacks on #GP workforce are a disgrace given they have taken on their backs the bulk of the vaccine programme & the fall out from ever increasing hospital & mental health waiting lists. #NHS staff are #burntout

We can’t underestimate the problems #NHS & social care faces:

• Waiting list of 5.6 million, projected to be as high as 13million

• 1.5millon vulnerable patients not getting social care they need

• over 8000 patients in hospital with COVID19 right now

#marr #phillips

The #NHS achieves incredible feats on what is a shoestring budget for its aims (cradle to grave care,free at the point of delivery)
It does this on the backs of its ever-stretched staff

Govt must recognise this & address the real problems eg staff shortages
#marr #phillips

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