Eva Wolfangel Profile picture
journalist, @KSJatMIT 19/20, speaker: https://t.co/RdQfRBkUKY, Signal: +4915151950321, Threema: 47M5V464, @evawolfangel@chaos.social

Sep 15, 2021, 9 tweets

I've been thinking a lot over the past few months about the fine art of science #journalism and communication. How do we reach people? How do we get them thinking? How do we inform them in such a way that they can have a say about our common future as responsible citizens? 1/9

I have discussed this with colleagues, among others from the international science and media Festival @silbersalzhalle. The result is a fantastic conference this Friday and Saturday with incredibly exciting and inspiring examples and case studies of immersive storytelling. 2/9

I can’t wait to hear the keynote by Francesca @franpanetta, one of the first journalists to explore immersive technologies and their potential for communication. She will be opening her treasure box of the richest experiences and puts us on the right path for our future projects.

Gayatri Parameswaran @pgaya3, award winning immersive journalist with @Now_Here_Media will present a case study about her amazing project Kusunda, a voice-driven virtual reality experience about revitalising a dormant indigenous language in Nepal. 4/9

Barney Steel, founder @marshmallowlf will offer inspiring insights in some of their best interactive and real-time VR experiences. Learn from the pioneer of immersive storytelling what is possible when taking creatively advantage of the possibilities offered by new technologies.

Many journalists tried #AugmentedReality, but few have unlocked the mystery of how to use AR to tell stories so excitingly that users can't wait to experience them. Karim Ben Khelifa @KBenK is one of them and I am thrilled that he will share his experiences at our conference! 6/9

No one else has mastered the art of arousing the enthusiasm of a broad audience for scientific topics as well as Pan-African feminist @aya_chebbi. Aya Chebbi (pic credit: African Union Youth) shares her rich experiences and shows why #diversity is essential for communication. 7/9

I am moved and proud that after months of intense preparation such a great line-up of speakers will be joining our conference at @silbersalzhalle. This is my third conference at all that I am not only moderating but also curating - and it is still very exciting! 8/9

I am thrilled that I will also be leading you through the conference as a moderator, and I would be insanely happy to see you onsite or online - tickets are still available in both worlds. Please register here for free: silbersalz-festival.com/de/programme/i… 9/9

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