#LoveWarrior #TruthJusticeLove Profile picture
Laura Fielding, Founder of grassroots creative coalition of craftivists for Medicare for All & state single payer solidarity.

Sep 15, 2021, 11 tweets

gofund.me/6205ce5b #GoFundMe

We just received another donation! You know, Shareef Snuggs @iam4M4A and I were just talking about the need to build our communities through #MutualAid, (and while a travel fund is not the same as medical emergency or desperation), we ARE,(1/2)

We are working together w/ @KennyBallentine, to create a truly grassroots, transformative, movement building documentary!

Deep thanks to @WholeWashington, @M4M4ALL @50linesonly @DesnoyersScott @DrJoeQJarvis @DrDooleyMD @ProudSocialist @J_ManPrime21 @wendellpotter and many more!

Lisa and Fran have always understood the vision of the @RedBeretsM4A, ever since we first all found each other online. We understood that we needed to create a social fabric of solidarity towards achieving healthcare justice in this county, and even more broadly, to extend (1/2)

The vision was and is, about connecting the movement, and in bringing bold, visual imagery and certainly #LABOR—hours and hours of a labor of love, towards achieving national improved Medicare for All.

We extend this solidarity and creative ideas to those fighting to #SaveTheNHS

Included but certainly not limited to, is @Sanders4Health, who has shown solidarity to the grassroots #RedBerets for quite some time!🧶

We must continue to grow our movement!

.@Taurus474 & @LeahPerkel will organize Nov 19th & 20th actions in Van, Wa!

Traveling from out of state (the red berets movement) is @DesnoyersScott @annadesnoyers & Emma #DannyStrong #SuicidePrevention

Also joining us: Fran @VoteNoGMO!!!!! Who is a retired RN & amazing craftivist & graphic artist!!

I think @OP_Omom is confirmed?!♥️

Lisa, @50linesonly—will be here if it’s at all possible!!🧶♥️🎥


.@DrJoeQJarvis is consulting his schedule!!🧶♥️

Last but not least, joining us from Eastern Washington, will be @GeoDavenport, founder of @WholeWashington!!🍎

She has worn her red beret in solidarity and many events while organizing, for the years since I met her!

She has mailed @RedBeretsM4A to people across our country!🧶

Over* the!

.@GeoDavenport can you convince @couchpilotnye to bring the fun??! I mean we are all fun, but Jen is a special kind of amazing fun!🤣🤣♥️🍎🧶🎥

Update: please prepare that it’s Nov 19th and 20th with the protest probably being in Saturday but get with @Taurus474!!

Thank you, @DrDooleyMD, for your strength, clarity and solidarity and Retweet!♥️

Here is a thread that @AliKaung just created by pulling excerpts from a recent M4A strategy panel discussion facilitated by @CaptainStack & filmed by @KennyBallentine!

.@vanguard_pod today 2pm PST!

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