Nicolas Cole πŸš’πŸ‘» Profile picture
On a mission to build the world’s biggest writing education business. | Co-Founder Premium Ghostwriting Academy, Ship 30 for 30, Typeshare. | Author of 10 books

Sep 24, 2021, 12 tweets

Want to sell books?

Build a business.

Here are 8 legendary examples of authors who have sold $100,000+ worth of books via their businesses.


1. Donald Miller, StoryBrand

StoryBrand is a messaging workshop, training program, and service for business owners.

It's estimated to do somewhere between $10 million & $20 million per year in revenue.

The book, StoryBrand, sells approx 100 books per day on Amazon.


2. Brendan Burchard

Brendan is one of the highest-earning online course instructors in the world. ($10M+/year)

He also is a highly paid keynote speaker & consultant.

His book, High Performance Habits, still sells approx 5-10 copies per day on Amazon.


3. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary runs a $200M/year ad agency, VaynerMedia.

Book revenue is inconsequential to him.

And yet his book, Jab, Jab, Right Hook still sells ~150 copies/mo on Amazon.


That's just 1 of his books.

4. Seth Godin

Entrepreneur and marketer Seth Godin has written 18 books.

His most famous one, "Purple Cow," came out 10+ years ago.

It still sells ~650 copies per month on Amazon.


Every new person on his email list/in his workshops gets introduced to his library.

5. Ryan Holiday

Once Ryan Holiday realized his niche was Stoicism, he doubled-down and built a whole business around it.

β€’ Email list
β€’ Physical & digital products
β€’ Podcast
β€’ And more.

The Daily Stoic still sells ~2,500 copies/mo on Amazon.


Not bad.

6. Ramit Sethi

Ramit wrote the best-seller "I Will Teach You To Be Rich."

But he also has an entire business teaching people these same principles.

New students = new readers.

He still sells approx ~2,000 copies of this book per mo on Amazon at $10 per.

$20k/mo in book sales

7. Russell Brunson

Clickfunnels Extraordinaire, Russell "wrote the book" on how to use books as lead magnets to up-sell higher-ticket products.

Despite giving this book away for free, this book still sells ~200 copies/mo on Amazon.


8. Tony Robbins

Maybe one of the best examples of how building a business helps you sell books.

Tony's retreats, courses, products, and offerings span categories ranging from health & wellness to money & business.

He sells ~1,000 copies of this book/mo on Amazon.

$10k ez.

I highlight this methodology for selling books because it's the same business model I've created for myself.

#ship30for30 introduces new writers to my philosophies on writing, which sells books.

I sell ~10 copies of this book per day on Amazon.


Just the beginning.

Very few people write a book & sell books in any sort of linear way.

The vast majority of successful nonfiction writers treat books as part of their broader business.

In some cases, the book becomes a hit (Ryan Holiday)

In others, books drive new customers (Russell Brunson)

If you are thinking of writing a book yourself, start here:

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