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Sep 24, 2021, 9 tweets

"Prime Minister Narendra Modi will depart later this evening for New York. He is scheduled to address the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly tomorrow morning": Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla


"PM Modi expressed thanks for the solidarity shown by the US government and people when we had the 2nd wave. President Biden appreciated India's role that has extended assistance to countries across the world including through pharmaceuticals and vaccines": Foreign Secy


"Indian vaccines which were of quality, were affordable, could be skilled up significantly, would make a difference in terms of vaccine availability and inequity in a developing world. We received great appreciation in these areas": Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla


"At Quad's request, PM Modi said India would make available 8 million doses of Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine, manufactured in India by Biological E. This would be ready by October end and compatible with our decision to resume vaccine export": Foreign Secretary


"PM Modi highlighted the issue of access for Indian professionals to US and H1B visa; it'll be looked into. There was a strong emphasis on trade and economic relations. The leaders felt to ask their concerned ministers to see how to impart greater dynamism": Foreign Secretary

"There was an appreciation of our presidency of the UN Security Council, especially on the #Afghanistan issue. President Biden was very specific in stating that he felt India should have a permanent seat in the UN Security Council": Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla


"We were finalising MoU on health and biomedical sciences, a comprehensive document that provides for cooperation in the health sector across the board, like pandemic preparedness, biomedical research to reduce the risk of future pandemics": Foreign Secretary


"Careful consideration of support given to hardline elements in #Afghanistan including terrorist groups by certain neighbours. Clear concern was expressed on Pakistan's role in Afghanistan and continuing support for approaches that didn't seem to be conducive": Foreign Secy

"PM Narendra Modi proposed a common international travelling protocol involving mutual recognition of the #COVID19 vaccination certificate. It was well-received by all #Quad leaders": Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla


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