Eric Feigl-Ding Profile picture
Health policy. Public health warnings. Epidemiologist. Chair/Faculty @NECSI. Fmr @Harvard. Short story— 👉

Sep 26, 2021, 15 tweets

MISCALCULATION BY GOP—As an epidemiologist, I think Republicans might be killing off their voter base faster than they think. The #COVID19 death rate since June 30 in counties where Trump got >90% of the vote are 9.5x higher than where he got <10%—pretty strong. HT @charles_gaba

2) To be clear, as an epidemiologist, I present this because I am worried for all public health. There are plenty of people of both political parties dying. But clearly there is a strong geographic political skew. People need to vaccinate and mask, or else it will hurt us all.

3) This mass death trend in areas voting for authoritarians like Trump is also true in parts of Brazil 🇧🇷 that voted more of Bolsonaro. Not a coincidence conservatives in both US and Brazil are more often anti mask and anti vax.…

4) vaccine rates heavily differ by red vs blue states. This is a main driver for sure. But also anti mask sentiments.

5) I’m seeing schadenfreude comments. Folks - we shouldn’t make them. In the end, who are anti vaxxers harming the most? The vulnerable children…

6) While kids die at a rate of over 1 in 10,000 infected cases… that is quite high! Plus, it is 6-8 fold higher CFR recently during the #DeltaVariant wave than last 18 months before Delta! (Notice RED vs BLUE).

Thus, please no schadenfreude on conservative areas dying more.

7) this is the disaster looming. From not just deaths and hospitalizations, but also #LongCovidKids

8) let’s reframe kids deaths this way—pediatric cancers are the leading cause of death in the US past infancy. #COVID19 deaths in kids is now on par with annual kids cancer death rates! Let that sink in. We don’t want kids sick or them to “learn to live with the virus”.

9) Some asked about top 10% vs bottom 10% by Trump vote… The #COVID19 death rate in the top 10% decile of the country voting Trump has been 5.3x higher than in the least-Trump voting 10%. — still huge. Every bar is ~10% of the US population. Huge death gap.

HT @charles_gaba

10) If seat belt mandate laws were introduced today, we might see the same resistance (just as we saw decades ago), and possibly huge differences in automobile deaths too.

11) HUGE drop in life expectancy in the US— it’s actually more than a year— it’s actually 2 full years of loss!

12) the gap in #COVID19 deaths between Trump districts and Biden districts is growing over time as vaccines are rolled out.

13) there are also certain right wing pundits who are worried about the unvaccinated GOP trend… they are expressing some concern too about their voting base. This concern is an epidemiological reality.…

14) “Holy shit” is the right response. This is gonna hit red district hard once the fog clears of just how many people have died in rural areas. Not good.

15) The disinfo and misinfo in Trump voting district is becoming a “red slaughter” & “massacre”. I agree.

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