🖤#codezwart NL🖤moral empthiness🖤Niemand Profile picture
💙Logic,Science,Faith💙 Altruistic,Objectivity🌈 Morals always as a standard 🫂 💙Tweets are personal💙

Sep 26, 2021, 7 tweets

RT 🧵

Criminal Minds: False flag
episode 2017


With explanation how it works

Help me spread the word!

#coronapas #IkPrikNiet #COVID19
#GreatReset #wappie #Iktestniet #FVD #MAGA #COVIDIOTS

1. The spreaders
The big mouths saying the people get scammed!!
Are actually the people selling

2. How actual science works
The methods of the counters

👌Cognitieve truc!!

How deep the conspiracy goes=eliminating the evidence

3. WHY
What do you believe?

Our brain says there has to be a link or explanation to everything
Bad stuff are scary
Chaos is scary
A source and blame is more satisfying

Jfk,911..etc etc all populair believes

4. RT snippet RT

The essence for YOU

In 2017 there was a episode that said


👇The POWER of this👇


Iedereen heeft recht op zijn eigen mening!!!!

Maar NIET op zn eigen feiten! 😘

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