ASEAN Business 2021 Profile picture
Official twitter account for the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit and the ASEAN Business Awards 2021.

Sep 29, 2021, 26 tweets

The @ASEAN Roundtable for Skills in a Digital Age is under way. Join us to learn more about the Future of Work in Southeast Asia and the need to develop Skills for a Digital Age:…. #ASEANBIS2021

Haslina Taib, Chair of the @ASEAN Roundtable on Skills for a Digital Age in her opening remarks notes #COVID-19 has presented us with great challenges in the future of work and transformed the way we work. It has accelerated a new age of Digital Transformation. #ASEANBIS2021

Haslina Taib says at the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020 @Gartner_inc survey of 317 CFO and Finance Leaders estimated that 74% will move at least 5% and 25% will move at least 20% of their previously onsite workforce to permanently remote.

Haslina Taib, Chair of the Roundtable on Skills for a Digital Age stresses that the future is not only investing in technologies but the future is investing in our people. #futureofwork #digitalskills

Farida Talib, Managing Director of @BruneiLNG in her Special Remarks notes the importance of digital skills for industry and innovative ways of working. NOtes we need the balance of all skills, combining technology and people skills. #ASEANBIS2021

Best way to prepare is to be flexible, digital transformation is a journey and not a destination. In the energy industry, digitalisation is one of the key thrusts for the industry to be prepared for the future and have a ready skilled workforce. #ASEANBIS2021

Hon. Dato Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman, Minister of Education of Brunei delivers the Opening Keynote Address noting equipping society for a digital future relies on the development of the younger generation, providing them with relevant skills and knowledge in this digital era.

The Minister concluded ‘I believe with strong commitment and enhanced collaborations, we can strive together provide the relevant competencies, knowledge and employability for society in our quest for the digital transformation, for a better ASEAN and world of work’. #ASEANBIS

Hon. Yanty Rahman officially launches the @ASEAN_BAC Brunei legacy project called HIRED - Harnessing Impact with Resilient Employability Digitally - which focuses on closing the digital skills gap in #ASEAN. #ASEANBIS2021

Steve Okun, Senior Advisor @McLartyAssoc and @ASEAN Deputy SG Singh opens the panel discussion on the Future of Work. DSG Singh notes the significant growth in ASEAN's digital economy and the rise of the gig economy. #ASEANBIS2021

DSG Singh notes that @ASEAN is inspired with @ASEANBACBrunei's HIRED legacy project and wants to support project to roll it out across the region. Notes that the older generation should be included in reskilling. #ASEANBIS2021

Elizabeth Santanakumar, Transformation Manager, @BruneiLNG shares how Brunei's 52 year old LNG plant focuses on digital transformation. Stresses the importance of human interaction and development and notes the equalisation of gender in the digital world.

@BruneiLNG is the oldest Liquefied Natural Gas plant in the world and considers digital transformation as essential for its future. #ASEANBIS2021

Manuel Bulens, Deputy CEO @BaiduriBank said they ran a poll ahead of the Roundtable and found that 54% prefer to work from home rather than the office. For the full results see:…. #ASEANBIS2021

Anthony Thompson of @MichaelPageUK stresses the importance of leadership in the future of work with digital transformation. Notes a real need for digital upskilling for leaders.

@RumaBala of @googlecloud notes the importance of collaboration equity in the hybrid environment and the importance of people to people skills as we move into a new way of work.

@steven_okun wraps up the excellent panel that covered continuous learning, reskilling, equality, leadership and the role of People Officers. Our thanks for to the panel for a great discussion on exploring the true potential digital has for the Future of Work. #ASEANBIS2021

@Steven_Okun @ASEAN @Asean2021_BN @Mark4WyreForest Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Brunei, Myanmar and Thailand in the ASEAN Roundtable on Skills for a Digital Age announces the UK support for @ASEANBACBrunei's HIRED programme that will help focus on Data Analysts skills in #ASEAN. #ASEANBIS2021

@Mark4WyreForest goes to note it is crucial that we ensure a supply of top talent to meet demand. The UK's support is about preparing ASEAN’s workforce to unleash the region’s full potential as an economic powerhouse set to be the fourth largest economy by 2030. #ASEANBIS2021

Janine Teo, CEO of @solveeducation highlights the importance of soft skills and understanding the needs of people. Educators need to have the right skills for the future workforce with grit and curiosity. #ASEANBIS2021

Find out more about the great work that @solveeducation is doing in #ASEAN by watching this short inspiring 1min video: . #inclusivegrowth

Dato Palani, Chairman of the ASEAN Future Work Force Council noted the importance enaging parents in the discussion on skills. Stresses the acquisition of skills helps the eradication of #poverty and really change lives. #ASEANBIS2021

Janine Teo @solveeducation notes that educators need to be supported by being reskilled and trained by Ministries of Education and given the help that they need in the digital world. Important to liaise with industry to stay relevant. #ASEANBIS2021

@solveeducation Suzanne Coogan, VP @Shell notes that Shell focuses on communities in which they work develop skills, take part in mentoring and helping them be innovative and curious. Highlighted Brunei Shell Petroleum's Livewire programme that nurtures entrepreneurs. #ASEANBIS2021

Excellent panel discussion moderated by Dr Khatiwada @ADB_HQ on Skills for a Digital Future. @Mark4WyreForest provides some concluding thoughts noting the importance of sustainability, apprenticeships and UK's commitment to ASEAN. #ASEANBIS2021

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