ME/CFS Quotes Profile picture
Spotlighting ideas, news, and research related to the debilitating disease ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) #MECFS | by @winstoncb

Sep 30, 2021, 10 tweets

At an @MEActNet press briefing back in March, Dr. Anthony Komaroff confirmed his earlier prediction that we had reason to expect some w/ COVID-19 would develop a debilitating chronic #LongCOVID syndrome with symptoms similar to post-viral #MECFS.…


Dr. Komaroff suggested that the underlying pathology of #LongCOVID may be similar to problems that have been observed in #MECFS.

Long COVID researchers can refer to ME/CFS research across the past few decades for a substantial head start.

ME/CFS: a final common pathway that can be triggered by different things?


What we know about the underlying pathology found in ME/CFS…


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