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I 💕 to ✍️ on : #Money💰 #Compounding🌿 #Stocks📊 #FinancialFreedom 📶 & More A Humble student of the Market ! 💕 Golf, Coffee, Music & #weekendvibes !

Oct 1, 2021, 10 tweets

'Am I overthinking this' ~ @TheRialMichelle

💫What an awesome quick picture #book with relatable quips. It’s about searching for answers for things that don’t change !

Perfect for a coffee table!
Sharing my favorite learnings!
Grab your ☕️or🍵 for an easy read...

→ Its never too late to Start !!

→ "In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail”

→ Be it good times or bad, it finally passes !!

→ By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail !

→Its always a tug-of-war between two worlds:
'A world of freedom versus a world of stability'

→ Wine is always OK ! Remember the golden words: “Either give me more wine or leave me alone"

→Let us be grateful to the people & things that make us happy !
Always remember: "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more" 💯

→ Could have, would have & should have : “modals of lost opportunities.” !

→ "What goes best with (or after) a cup of coffee?.... Another cup"

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