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Oct 1, 2021, 10 tweets

The world missed the target set by WHO of vaccinating πŸ”Ÿ% of all people in all countries by the end of September.

Vaccinating the 🌍 equitably is a moral, epidemiological, and economic necessity. #VaccinEquity

5⃣6⃣ countries do not have enough doses to vaccinate 10% of their populations. Half of them have only enough doses to vaccinate 2%.

No one is safe until everyone is safe. #VaccinEquity

Vaccine inequity is:

⚠️ fueling a two track #COVID19 pandemic
⚠️ allowing variants to flourish
⚠️ threatening all the tools we have

Vaccinating the 🌍 is essential if we are to get ahead of this virus. #VaccinEquity

It is vitally important to protect #HealthWorkers and people at greatest risk in all countries.

βœ… Share doses.
βœ… Share know-how.
βœ… Share technologies.
βœ… Waive IP rights.
βœ… Swap deliveries, prioritize #COVAX and AVAT.

Why we need a temporary moratorium on #COVID19 vaccine "boosters" - @DrMikeRyan and Dr Bruce Aylward explain πŸ‘‡

"Self-interest is natural, but there is enlightened self-interest. Vaccines can be produced and the world can be opened up. It's in our hands. We can end it [#COVID19] soon"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity

Vaccine inequity is also killing jobs & businesses.

Invest in #VaccinEquity to fix it:
- Share doses.
- Share know-how.
- Share technologies.
- Waive IP rights.
- Swap deliveries, prioritize #COVAX & AVAT.
- Make production schedules transparent.


Spread vaccines πŸ’‰, not variants.

#VaccinEquity will have enormous payoffs both economically & for societies at large.


WHO is urging

πŸ”Έ governments to honour their commitments to global access, share doses with and fully fund #COVAX
πŸ”Έ Manufacturers to be transparent about their production schedules and deliver their promised doses to COVAX and AVAT

#VaccinEquity now!

You can't put out half a fire.

No one is safe until we're all safe. Stand up for #VaccinEquity!

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