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Oct 7, 2021, 13 tweets

"It will not be family friendly."
"This is not a peaceful event and peace police will be kicked out period"

Laura Kealiher, the mother of deceased violent antifa member Sean Kealiher, has announced a riot in honor of her son for Oct. 12 outside the Justice Center in Portland.

Sean Kealiher was groomed by far-left extremists in Portland from a young age. For many years he was sent out as a fighter on the street. He urged for people to bomb schools & took credit for inspiring several acts of domestic terrorism.…

Sean Kealiher was killed in 2019. Someone from his group fired rounds at a vehicle that ran over him. His antifa friends didn't want to call 911 so they dragged his bloody body in the car. Antifa have vandalized property & held Charlottesville-style memorials every year for him.

As promised, Portland antifa carried out acts of mass violence overnight in memory of their deceased comrade, Sean Kealiher. Riot was organized by his mother on Twitter. Antifa instructed one another to write the number of National Lawyers Guild on their arms in case of arrests.

Antifa smashed up buildings & businesses one-by-one in downtown Portland overnight at a riot that was announced on Twitter. Video by @jennytyoung:

#Antifa fired large mortar explosives at buildings in downtown Portland last night in addition to smashing up buildings and starting fires. #PortlandRiots

#Antifa trashed a section of downtown Portland overnight & started fires. They rioted in memory of Sean Kealiher, who was hit by a car & killed when his comrades fired rounds at vehicle. Antifa refused to cooperate in police investigation. #PortlandRiots

Portland Police eventually gave verbal dispersal orders to the antifa at the end of their riot last night.

Portland reporter @jennytyoung asked a witness what happened when antifa destroyed the glass windows on the Moda Tower building. #PortlandRiots

Antifa left a path of destruction last night in downtown Portland. They smashed into buildings & tried to ignite the interiors on fire using flares. They brought traffic to a standstill & started fires in the middle of the road. #PortlandRiots

Portland Police confirm no arrests were made in the violent #antifa riot in downtown Portland overnight where they did more than $500,000 in damages to 35 properties & businesses. Police say they believe the rioters changed clothes to evade detection.…

Antifa are furious you can see the videos of their violence and crimes in this thread.

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