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Oct 10, 2021, 8 tweets

"My taxi driver" stories.
While Rajdeep trying hard; Basu da leads the show but badly lacks innovation.

Undisputedly, Ayyub can claim the best writer (fiction) award, anytime, anywhere.

All in all, Sakshii will never have such stories as she doesn't share good terms with drivers, spl. with Uber. Every few months she 'ruth jaao' & uninstalls the app.

Today's contest 🗣️📢: Use your black horses of imagination and compete this sentence.

"My taxi driver told me .........."

My taxi driver asked me, "why black horses sir and why not white?"

"because #BLM" I said rolling up my sleeves.

"Get out and hire a black cab", he said politely, cutting short the ride.

Many ppl noted they'll are inspired by "Fake Taxi". Analyst in me says, FB server outage is reason of this sudden surge in My Taxi Driver stories.

I was waving at ppl sitting outside my sea-looking posh bungalow in SRK style but then my driver spoilt it "sir they ain't fans but on dharna as the queen of 'MTD' stories is missing in your thread".

Alrgt! here you go.. some iconic mojotweets by Barkha Dutt-

And here are some more #MyTaxiDriver as complementary!

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