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Oct 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Quick breakdown on a possible $SOL trade, with some method behind the madness, true PA style only

Price action and price action concepts work in any market for any #Crypto or #cryptocurrency, or anything from forex to stocks.

Lets start on the 1H chart to get an idea:

We can see that we can define a range from MS that has formed after the impulse move upwards

From the initial impulse move outside of the range, we can leave this as a buyside liquidity target.

We see price sweep range high, and then range lows in its search for liquidity

Price hits the initial liquidity target and then, naturally, seeks the next liquidity target of the previous range lows where participants would have stored their stop losses

Then we see the PA unfold with a 0.786 fib level test, a subsequent 0.702 level test, and then a run down to range low.

We don't assume that price is going to continue out of the range until it occurs, so you can take profits and move SL at range low, or take full profit here

So where to from here for a possible set up?

Breakdown in image of structure etc

And here is the zoomed out version.

Maintaining the range after a potential range low recovery

Is this going to eventuate? We don't know yet, but either way you've hopefully gained some knowledge from this thread

Thanks to @Delta_Exchange for helping me bring this your way


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