Yihan Yang, MD MHS-MedEd Profile picture
Core Faculty & #MedEd Track Director @WSUMedicine #WSUIMRP | @EmoryMedicine @YPC_Chiefs alum | 1/6 @MedEdTagTeam | 👧🏻👶🏻mom | 🧋enthusiast. Views my own.

Oct 19, 2021, 15 tweets

1/ “Let’s hear about this patient at the bedside.”

As an educator or learner, does this sentence make you tachycardic??

It’s another #TweetorialTuesday from the @MedEdTwagTeam! #MedTwitter #MedEd #MedStudentTwitter #Tweetorial #FacDev

2/ We are still covering the foundations of inpatient teaching.

This week, we will focus on general strategies to incorporate bedside teaching effectively into your inpatient teaching tool box!

3/ First, there are many benefits to teaching @ the bedside for learners, educators, & patients alike.

See articles:
⚡️@DanielRicottaMD TWDFNR @JHospMedicine: tiny.cc/RoundsTWDFNR

⚡️@OlleTenCate Review on Bedside Teaching / tinyurl.com/BedsideReview

4/ Let’s be real tho…

As an EDUCATOR, how do you feel when you imagine yourself teaching or asking for presentations at the bedside with your inpatient team?

5/ And let’s be honest…

#MedStudentTwitter, as a LEARNER, how do you feel when your attending says, “Let’s learn/present at the bedside”?

6/ I think most of us believe that we SHOULD be teaching & learning more at the bedside. But there are certainly challenges and perceived barriers to bedside teaching.

7/ Despite these challenges, I’d like to encourage us that bedside teaching is done in many ways! Please see 👇🏼 for options.

Read on for strategies to overcome common pt, learner, & content-based challenges to bedside teaching that can be utilized in any of these settings.

8/ Learners often feel bedside teaching takes too much🕐, become disengaged in a large group @ the bedside, or worry a/b seeming uncertain in front of pts.

Please refer to my prior tweetorial for additional details about these strategies:

9/ I’ll note that learner buy-in for bedside teaching (esp bedside rounds) can be challenging if you’re @ an institution where it’s not part of the culture.

I’ve personally learned that as the attending, my team’s culture is what I make it.

If you believe it, stick to it!

10/ For pts, it’s important to maintain privacy & comfort while still engaging them. Use my acronym “PATIENTS”👇🏼

And… unless a pt is @ danger of harming self/others, no one is too “difficult”/ “boring.”

More detailed tips in my tweetorial:

11/ Finally… Yes! It can be intimidating to decide WHAT to teach at the bedside.

Remember to:
⚡️FOCUS. Less=more during bedside teaching
⚡️Identify the relevance
⚡️Check out them resources!

More details on these tips:

12/ The framework👇🏼for bedside teaching is one that I modified from Janicik. It incorporates strategies to overcome learner, pt, & content challenges.

You can consolidate outside room tasks to before/after rounds rather than each pt encounter if you’re rounding @ the bedside.

13/ Need more bedside teaching pearls?

Stay tuned! Later in the fall the @MedEdTwagTeam will cover tips on how to teach:

🔥history taking
🔥physical exam at the bedside
🔥communicating with interdisciplinary staff & patients

14/ For now, I’ll wrap with some additional reading and references for bedside teaching.

Please scan the codes to download a file with relevant articles, and a pocket card cheat sheet ☺

15/ #MedTwitter, how do you teach at the bedside? Drop us some of your tips!

Also, stay tuned for a VERY SPECIAL @MedEdTwagTeam ANNOUNCEMENT next week!

In the mean time, make sure to follow @GStetsonMD, @JenniferSpicer4, @YihanYangMD so you don’t miss any of our content!

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