Dr. Jennifer Kwan Profile picture
Family Physician 🇨🇦👩🏻‍⚕️📈 Mon-Wed-Fri #COVID19Ontario updates. 🐶🍣🍜@McMasterFamMed alumna. @1010moment

Oct 19, 2021, 15 tweets

A thread of some useful & reliable resources on #COVID19 & #CovidVaccines 🧵⤵️

(I know it can be a challenge to stay up to date with lots of new information & questions! As I am currently "studying" for a Facebook Live tomorrow...)

Lots of expert-reviewed shareable content on vaccines, science literacy, public health, etc! @ScienceUpFirst scienceupfirst.com/share/

Really like the easy-to-understand infographics from Sabina Vohra-Miller via Unambiguous Science @SabiVM

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) info on COVID19 & pregnancy, fertility, vaccines, etc. sogc.org/covid
Latest update from Sept 2021 is here (pdf): sogc.org/common/Uploade…

VaxFacts Clinic via Scarborough Health Network:
Can book an appointment for 1-on-1 conversation with a physician about vaccine questions:
shn.ca/vaxfacts/ @SHNcares

COVID-19 Vaccine Consult Service by @sickkids provides a "safe, judgement-free space to have an open conversation" with a paediatric Registered Nurse about the COVID-19 vaccine for children & youth (available in multiple languages)

Free zoom sessions: "virtual, kitchen table discussions to answer YOUR questions about the authorized COVID-19 vaccines in Canada." covid19resources.ca/public/vaccine… @COVID_19_Canada

From the Ontario Science Table: Current up to date vaccination status of cases, hospitalizations, and ICU in Ontario (updated regularly)
covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashbo… @COVIDSciOntario

Another source for vaccination status breakdown (updated regularly) via the Ministry of Health @ONThealth covid-19.ontario.ca/data#vaccine-s…

FAQ & vaccine questions answered by @thisisourshotca including live town halls & videos thisisourshot.ca/#info

And of course the 'boring' ones😜

Health Canada @GovCanHealth canada.ca/en/health-cana…

Public Health Ontario @PublicHealthON

Ontario Ministry of Health @ONThealth

spent* 😂😭😂

Can't believe I left out Pandemic Pregnancy Guide!
Canadian Doctors offering reliable info on #pregnancy #pediatrics & #COVID19. @PandemicPreg @TaliBogler

Excellent content on Instagram here: instagram.com/PandemicPregna…

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