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Defiant, Dispirited, Despondent. Without illusions but not disillusioned. Focus on Climate, Inequality, Development. Twitter threads turn into Polycrisis essays

Oct 21, 2021, 13 tweets

Pentagon just unclassified its Climate report to the National Security Council.

Department of Defense wants you to know climate change is a "threat multiplier". What are all our poor bases in shithole countries going to do?

US defense technocrats will now include Climate in prioritizing threats; in strategies for countering threats; in planning missions of the armed forces; in what weapons to develop and five-year plan for investments that support strategy #GeopoliticsOfGHGs…

gotta love the big nerd brain energy in Pentagon planners.

Guys guys this climate change thing that our scientists are telling us about for 50 years? What if, like, its too hot for planes to take off or, get this, wildfire smoke makes bombing harder?…

4/"Climate change is a threat multiplier"??
US Military call air-strikes, advise & assist militaries in a staggering 76 countries. 33 of them are in the fastest growing continent -Africa. Libya horrible enough;2020s could see escalation in Horn of Africa & Great Lakes

5/ Pentagon unclas report:guys guys,the warming is, like, GLOBAL. Anything could happen, think big picture here.

"While certain climate hazards and impacts are specific to particular regions of the world, many are cross- cutting, cascading, and/or global"…

6/ Taking the piss coz pentagon is full of technical people who want more to be done on climate. They have talked about climate change at NSC since 1960s!

However, the word adaptation is mentioned 15 times. Mitigation, actually cutting carbon? 5 times.

7/ Pentagon's role as driver of industrial policy & employer is going to be v imp for Green New Deal. A burst of thinking to REPURPOSE military as wars end. Eg. 1992 report "Cold War peace dividend" set out blueprint for an Office of Economic conversion…

8/ The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) today released a National Intelligence Estimate on climate change.

China and India will play key role in determining how quickly global temperatures rise. #GeopoliticsOfGHGs…

9/ Pentagon: world is going to warm so fast countries will break apart.

US Intelligence: We foresee basically no change to how much carbon the top 10 countries burn per person in 2030.

dunno make cutting carbon a climate national security strategy?…

10/ Are there no mirrors at the Pentagon??

"We assess that most countries that rely on fossil their budgets will continue to resist a quick transition to a zero-carbon world"

US is the worlds largest Oil & Gas producer.…

11/ US Natl Intelligence, ACTUALLY these EVENTS would change our climate assessment:

Zero Carbon Technological breakthrough
Climate TIPPING POINT disaster
Russia or China military action in Arctic
A scared country doing geoengineering

12/ Pentagon - don't you climate people who think solving climate change is about markets, tech, etc know that it is about POWER. #GeopoliticsOfGHGs

Don't forget the only reason you have Climate Models is because of Nuclear Weapons…

13/ The Pentagon is wrong about Adaptation. But right that Climate is not an environmentalist 'issue' but about Power.

Call it #GeopoliticsOfGHGs: Climate IS Natl Security IS Industrial policy IS forging of social forces to carry out long-term projects

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