Vass Vassiliou Profile picture
Professor of Cardiology loving imaging, valves, prevention 🎶☕️ 🏃‍♂️ Treasurer & Exec Board EAPC, ESC - Editor @OxfordJournals🪑 #Comms & EIC NewsBeat @SCMRorg

Oct 24, 2021, 9 tweets

It was so great to give a (virtual) talk to the Hellenic Society of Cardiology on #covid and #whycmr- hopefully next year in person with no more need 4 Covid talks! Short 🧵 on CMR use #epeeps #cardioed #echofirst #tavr #metaanalysis …/2

#covid is bad for many organs- including the heart. The role of ACE2 receptors to facilitate entry to the cells is well known! But for the heart Covid does lead to #infarction #arrhythmias #heartfailure #myopericarditis What can you do to avoid this? GET A #VACCINE

Hospitalized patients with high troponin are the sickest ones. Great study from #london hospitals showing that in this cohort - late gadolinium enhancement indicating scar (an adverse prognostic factor) is present in 1/2 patients. How to avoid it? GET A #VACCINE …4

Another group showed that in healthcare workers (in this setting representative of the population) there were differences in those infected with #covid and those that didn’t get infected- relieve!!! But how do you reduce chance of getting Covid? GET A VACCINE …/5

And the obligatory meta-analysis. Nice concept- but with 93% heterogeneity - so how many people get myocarditis after Covid? Well 2-18% possibly….Still high. How to avoid it? Well… GET A VACCINE …/6

And is there vaccine related myocarditis? Yes of course - & we need to acknowledge this. Does it lead to long term problems… to the best of our knowledge ‘probably not’ Do vaccines work? Definitely! Teenagers- GET YOUR VACCINE! In 🇬🇧 <15 get one dose of mRNA seems appropriate

And is there #long #covid? Sadly absolutely yes. And people suffer for very long @longcovidfdn How do we avoid this… Well, GET A VACCINE

Coming to the end. Does #whycmr help in #covid? Definitely- especially in those in the more seveee spectrum, with possible myopericarditis and long Covid. But I guess you realized that to help everyone and most importantly yourself GET A VACCINE - have a great Sunday!

* no differences between Covid and no Covid groups! No differences!

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