Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 26, 2021, 6 tweets

Weather warnings from the @UKMet office and EU @MeteoalarmEu warning ⚠️ systems for tomorrow and Friday #cop26Deluge #cop26

In the lead up to @cop26 co-hosts Italy have their own weather issues. #COP26Deluge

This morning it was pretty windy on the #Cop26 site, so much so that they took down a banner which had been hanging on this crane.

Fortunately on-site the #COP26 attendees - possibly as many as 10-13,000 a day - will be sheltered from rain as the move between venues by marquees.

While some meetings have already begun. Construction is continuing at pace for an opening of the event this coming weekend, with the spotlight event, a leaders summit on Monday. 120 national leaders are expected to attend including @JoeBiden.

Covid precautions include all attendees receiving daily negative lateral flow covid tests.

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