Shaka Tha God #IStandWithDexterTaylor Profile picture
Protect Your Peace(piece)✌🏽

Oct 27, 2021, 9 tweets

You wont catch me talking bad about #Doge maybe some of the influencers but not Doge ... I made my first $80,000 of Doge so its special to me even though I've moved on to #Shiba#MyFirstLove

Shiba will flip Doge in the coming days .....get in before it's too late and for the doge community that bought doge before the penny feels familiar right??? Jump in #Shiba #1CentDream #1CentDreamShib #Flip #ShibaInu #ShibaArmy #Doge

This is why @elonmusk out of all the times he was asked do he hold Shiba strategically tried to bury us with the nope answer #ShibaInu #Shiba #ShibaArmy #doge #ElonMusk

Tell your Doge army to capitalize of this opportunity....its a wise suggestion from you

Dear fudders .....yeah you HOW DID WE take the #11 spot in less than 2 years *coughs* number 10 it's time to scoot over #shibainu #ShibaArmy #Shiba #Shibarium

Is it making sense yet @RobinhoodApp meets @Shibtoken
You cant stop it #Shiba #ShibaArmy #ShibaSwap #ShibaInu #Shibarium #Robinhood

Our biggest critic and hater is trying to find a way out of all the hate he threw out way..... HE'S TAKING THE KNEE OF SURRENDER #Shiba #ShibaArmy #ShibaSwap #ShibaInu #Shibarium #Doge

Shiba gang!!! Even though I dont want him

The "Dogecoin Killer" *shrugs* it is what it is

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