Saditha Kaluarachchi Profile picture
Speculating on growth stocks. Sometimes on crypto.

Oct 29, 2021, 9 tweets


I will post the rest soon.

Note, this is not IA, Do your own DD and make the trade ur own

#SriLanka #stocks

#TAP - Looks good near support, volume has also declined on the pullback. Need to see a volume pick up now. Risk is mentioned

#SUN - I like the pattern on SUN but also heavy R awaits. If broken, reaching 30 is a possibility. My risk is that long bullish trendline

#MGT - Looks good, heavy volume on the breakout and volume was low in the pullback which is what u want to see. Heavy R awaits from the monthly chart at the mentioned blue area

#GREG - No breakout yet but technically looks good. A successful breakout and can expect prices to retest August highs. Volume so far has receded inside the pattern which is natural

#CIC - Tight consolidation range of 12 pcts. Techbically, pretty solid but heavy resistance lies ahead. Also this stock is affected by external news so keep that in mind - Stop is mentioned

#SIRA - Failed breakout despite volume and price action confirming the move on the first day. Usually I wait for atleast 2 days to confirm it and this failed on the 2nd day. Further confirmation is needed

#GLAS - Technically, looks good, has an impulse move towards 19 and volume is relatively alot lower than compared with the breakout. I have mentioned where my stops would be and possible entries

#EDEN - A big runner, the monthly gives a much better view and as u can see prices are approaching heavy resistance in the 35.60 - 37.00 range

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