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Esoteric Catholic fatherhood. #acks #dnd #brosr

Oct 29, 2021, 7 tweets

It’s occult creation of alternate dimension(s) which our rulers will control. With our screens we already live in it most of the time but meta will bring us there full time. Elfland but gh3y.

The spider egg dream in Bladerunner is about this. We are replicants insomuch as our rulers program our dreams, memory, and aspirations with popular culture and fake news.

It’s matrix obviously ofc, though it’s such a tired metaphor I loathe to use it. The robots using human body heat etc to make batteries was metaphor for the post covid lovkdown world. No one interacting yet somehow the Metaverse economy (and social) continuing on as golem

G4mergate was thus important revelation as globohomer hadn’t yet colonized our vidya dreams completely. It now has. Gg woke some people up but meme militia action against standing meme army was never going to be a decisive gg victory.

#brosr is important as #ttrpgs are the last place where shared dreams and memories are created where the ruling establishment has not fully colonized. #dnd brand is kicking and screaming against how each table of players have their own dreamworld, no spider memories from rulers

Im hopeful meta & other occult alternate dimensions will fail to capture many prisoners since the technology itself is so outwardly ugly and cringe inducing. As long as wearing a vr headset sends w-men running the other way, men will not adopt it. Once it’s an implant, it’s over

Oh wow this guy was really ahead of the curve

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