Eric Feigl-Ding Profile picture
Health policy. Public health warnings. Epidemiologist. Chair/Faculty @NECSI. Fmr @Harvard. Short story— 👉

Oct 29, 2021, 8 tweets

GOOD & BAD news on #DeltaPlus #AY42 —it continues to grow in UK 🇬🇧, with higher attack rates (faster transmission) than old #deltavariant. Good news is similar severity & vaccine efficacy as Delta. But #AY42 is gaining ground among non-travelers.🧵#COVID19…

2) Notably, notice how #DeltaPlus is gaining ground against old Delta in both those with or without any recent travel history. This means community transmission is definitely taking hold. Not good.

3) It seems #deltaplus #AY42 has similar rates of ER visits and hospital admissions in England so far. Though numbers still too low to know for sure yet.

4) Mortality rates for #deltaplus and old #deltavariant among cases is similar too. Good so far. But keep in mind Delta itself if 2-4 times more severe than old Wuhan #COVID19

5) But here is the faster transmission seen in the SECONDARY ATTACK RATE in non-traveler households— for old #deltavariant it’s 11.2%. For new #Deltaplus #AY42, it’s 12.2%. It looks small but it’s significantly higher.

6) Leaders in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 say #deltaplus is 10% more transmissible and 10% more severe. I’m curious where their 10% more severe comes from but I’m not ruling it out. Wales could have more data than England.

7) For vaccine efficacy - it seems vaccines work similarly against #deltaplus as old Delta. But have to see over time.

8) Dear friends in UK 🇬🇧—I’m so sorry for you and your failed leaders.

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