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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 30, 2021, 6 tweets

The Serpent of Capitalism is the center piece of a public activism event being held today in Glasgow as part of a March which begins today at 3pm on Glasgow Green.

#COP26Glasgow #COP26 @COP26

Led by five high priestesses the #SerpentOfCapitalism has arrived at Glasgow Green.

A few pictures from earlier this morning at Glasgow Green where Scottish #COP26 pilgrims arrived this morning and set up a flags at the entrance of the park.

Pilgrims from all over Europe will gather here today for a March up to George Square in the heart of the City.

At George Square a Ceremony will be performed by the five high priestesses on the #SerpentOfCapitalism. And there will be speeches.

The Serpent has been created by Glaswegian artists Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich. #SerpentOfCapitalism

A group of volunteers has been assembled to carry the #SerpentOfCapitalism and here you see a small snippet of the briefing which took place at the Wasps artists space near the Clyde waterfront. #cop26

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