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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Oct 31, 2021, 8 tweets

#SeditionHunters - a must-read, deeply researched WaPo piece on the lead-up to the Jan 6 Capitol attack. Confirms its origins well before the election. Confirms that EVERYONE KNEW the danger: DHS even alerted hospitals to prep for mass casualties Jan 6. 1/…

"While the public may have been surprised by what happened on Jan. 6, the makings of the insurrection had been spotted at every level, from one side of the country to the other. The red flags were everywhere." 2/

The article is hyper-cautious on one point: does not raise even a hint that lack of preparation could mean complicity. But this is the journalism we have been waiting for, for months. Wide-ranging, meticulous, and with the horsepower to grasp the scale of events: 16 reporters! 3/

Bombshell reporting that Congressional Democrats were alert to possible attempts to overturn the election ... already in AUGUST. 4/

The article confirms what we see in video: that militia groups, extremists, white supremacists, radical political activists began coming together in Fall 2020, that the Nov 14th rally in DC was a meet-up across this radical spectrum, a part of wider coordination. 5/

Much of what's here is known by #SeditionHunters, but finally it's being said out loud, in a big national newspaper. And there are new shocks, like this one: Gen Milley worrried that deploying the National Guard would give Trump the opportunity to misuse the armed forces. 6/

The article does throw the FBI under the bus somewhat, letting Pentagon have the last word - will be interesting to see how that plays out as the J6 Committee gets rolling. But this piece is hopefully just the start of the reporting we need so much. 7/

At least one member of the reporting team was at the Capitol Jan 6: @HannahAllam took the definitive footage of the Proud Boys arriving at the Capitol, and followed the crowd as people moved from W to E sides to start synchronized breaches - see thread. 8/

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